Women are like that, Tim. Theydon't care what your end objectives are, or what you're going to do with your life. If they don't see flashy money-spending that they can get into, they'll dump you.
If you run into any more chicks like that, tell them the only way they're going to see that quantity of bills from you is if they get on stage with a pole.
As for me, 5...
I'm trying to arrange swapping schedules with a co-worker, and trying to keep the reasons secret. As far as they know, my folks need an extra pair of hands to get ready for Christmas Ships, but in reality, I'm trying to get into a job interview.
It feels like I'm stabbing them in the back, and I am, but apparently NTs consider this dishonesty normal. Being up front about seeking better employment, or keeping an ear open for a career I've been hoping to snag has always prevented me from landing even worthless fast-food jobs, because the NTs expect me to stick around as though I'm going to make something of myself with "do you want fries with that?"
I even had a ton of people at college ask if I was going to start a pizza business with my degree, just because of the number of times I fell back into pizza delivery work for temporary employment. What the h*** is wrong with these people? Do they not understand the concept of working where you can until you find something better? Isn't that the ENTIRE CONCEPT of America (that whole pursuit of happiness, climb the corporate ladder thing)?
So, if lie, cheat, and steal I must, lie, cheat, and steal I will. I don't seem to have the same difficulties with lying as other Aspies, and because of my Aspie label, it just adds in the deception.
Now only if the cops would not single me out because I seem too formal and out of place, and I could practically get away with anything I wanted.
My motto:
Study like a scholar
Act like a gentleman
Dress like a soldier