A 2, I think.
Sorry, long, whiny rant ahead.
I'm just so stressed out at the moment. And most of the problem is that I deal with stress horribly, and that just adds more stress. I have so much schoolwork to do now; I have to write at least thirty paragraphs and find supporting articles for each by Monday, and I have two papers - no, four papers, a group presentation, and a novel finished, tabbed, and questioned due at about the same time; plus, the very first (early) exams start that week. Actually, five papers (2 film lit, 3 AP English). And I've known about almost all of it for at least two weeks; two of the things (one paper and the article thing) I've known about for months. I still haven't even started.
I just suck with stress. I see the possibility of stress, and I worry about that (which equals more stress), and then when it becomes too much, I shut down and don't do anything. Only that obviously doesn't solve anything, because the papers and whatnot are still due, and being incapable of handling stress is not a good enough excuse to make them go away. I don't really want to fail. So then I'm even more stressed, so I shut down even more, and it just goes on and on and on until I get everything done, but sometimes everything doesn't get done. And to go with that, I physically stress as well; after a certain point, it hurts just to lie down, and then I don't sleep well, so I'm cranky, and I miss things, and I'm irritable, and blah.
It really is my fault; I know this. I'm a good student; to sound slightly arrogant, I don't need to worry about it, because I get good grades on everything, even things I throw together the night before or the morning that it's due. I just worry anyway, and then nothing gets done. If I didn't stress, it wouldn't be a problem; or if I didn't allow it to affect me, then it wouldn't be a problem either. But I do.
To sound even more arrogant, I don't need to go to this school. I'm good at the stuff that they teach; I pick up everything so much quicker than most people, and then I have nothing to do. To be honest, I haven't learned anything in English this year (with the slight exception of some books are really and truly duller than should be publishable; but that's an opinion, of course, a subjective thing). I don't study at all, but I pass every time; I'm in all the advanced classes I can manage, and I'm fine with it. I've always had strong grades; it's just who I am. I suck with the social stuff (which is a given), but I'm good with the stuff that requires thinking. It totally disagrees with the whole stress thing, but it's true; once I do the work, I'm absolutely fine. Honestly, I can do this stuff without a problem; I just apparently choose to create a problem.
I don't know. This isn't going the way I wanted it to; naturally, it sounded much better in my head. There were more things I had wanted to mention, and I remember the one, but I don't know if I want to fit it in or how. I'm really quite sedated at the moment, so I'll probably regret this in the morning; I'm not thinking very clearly. I'll just go to bed now; chances are I'll be ok if I stop whining.
"Nothing worth having is easy."
Three years!