Fairfield wrote:
Like I should just suck it up and go, and even if I end up getting a Grippy Sock Vacay then I guess I deserve one. People I've talk to have been temporarily committed in the U.S. for less, so.
Though my possibly BPD ass is also worried that they'll think I just want attention because of how f****d up I am and "reject" me as a patient or never take anything I say seriously, then I'll
have to kill myself. /half joke LMAO
I think your anxiety is being a barrier and giving you unhelpful opinions. Have you got any coping skills for your anxiety?
And although it's a lot harder than just sucking it up and going, I think you should reach out.
As for you having a BPD ass who knows, self diagnosis is always biased.
Another man's freedom fighter, one man's terrorist is - Yoda (probably)