I wish I do not need to breathe.
I'm not suicidal.
I just had enough with this damn chronically blocked nose.
This air hungry feeling, the distractibility it causes, that having to mind it to begin with, the physiological responses, those raw feeling whenever I tried to cope with it...
For most of my life, breathing is...
Either a luxury comfort or a fricking annoyance that I happened to literally cannot live without.
And no one takes it seriously.
I wish I do not have to nor need to breathe.
Socializing manually is one thing...
Breathing manually is another.
Former is complex set of behaviors that aren't really meant to be done consciously.
The latter, supposedly, requires no damn thought.
I do not have long covid, I do not have asthma or lung issues, I do not have anything life threatening.
I do not smoke, I'm not exposed to anything unhealthy.
Yet somehow, it ruined my life.
If I lost whatever lung capacity I have, it's a not-a-surprise.
If I lost it, it'll just be extra discomfortable, extra distracting.
If I lost it, I'll just kill myself because there's no sense of trying a chance of being a bit more comfortable.
I already struggle with something so fricking simple. And I just had to put up with it for most of my waking life because no one takes it seriously.
I wish there's a technology where I don't need to breathe to survive.
I wish I don't need 'air' to live.
It's a fricking nuisance. It's almost always discomfortable. Not painful, not threatening.
It triggers me more than any noise in my intolerant years, more than any unpleasant surprises that -- I just wish I do not care anymore.
No one cares about the impact over quality of life due to this.
I wish I do not need to breathe.
Unlike the pandemic, I've been doing this for years worth of my life.
Whenever it's worse, I couldn't cope with it well.
Wishing that it could just pass and never happen again.
But it keeps happening. It never leaves me alone.
To anyone, it's a week at most.
Just rest, take some meds, drink plenty of water -- then it'll be over!
To me?? It doesn't fricking end.
If it does, it'll always return. Not years, not months -- not even weeks. Meds won't work either.
And since the pandemic?
I'd get blamed. I won't be surprised if I get kicked out or banned somewhere because I cannot manage this sh*t.
Oh, there are a LOT of things I hadn't tried.
Except time and energy mostly all goes to coping dealing with this nuisance.