BuyerBeware wrote:
Agreed-- WP is significantly less screwed-up than other forums. Particularly places where hormonal women congregate.
I guess it gets so negative because a lot of us are depressed; positivity tends to be painful for depressed people (but then, a concrete reason to be positive is just what a depressed Aspie needs). Very confusing.
I'd love to find more success stories-- but I guess they're not out there because it is considered shameless self-promotion to publicize your successes. Still, I could use some. Fail stories are starting to bog me down majorly-- FAIL in relationships, FAIL in jobs, FAIL in life, FAIL in parenting...
...I get thinking that my successes haven't even really been mine-- that they were flukes, or through someone else's effort.
Statistics, statistics, statistics.
Yet I knew, personally, three Aspies who managed to build lives (some of them even happy). I've seen lots of people with ADHD build lives-- one of my husband's coworkers at his last job, the best teacher I ever had, a couple of other people.
Yet the statistics say FAIL, FAIL, AUTOMATIC FAIL-- and that is what I end up believing.
HELP!! !!
I think this whole seeing life as something you either "WIN" by having certain culturally expected things, or "FAIL" by not having them is what causes so much negativity. A lot of people who "WIN" at life by having the husband/wife, kids, job, nice house, etc... seem utterly dull to me. Some aren't even as happy as others living off SSI. Why the hell are people not allowed to do what makes them happy and stop internalizing all the garbage society throws at them? People are told they're supposed to be unhappy if they don't have this and that.... then... wouldn't you believe it.... they become depressed. Shocking! Maybe they would have turned out better if they'd just not listened to those voices.