Self-affirmation Pledge for those with AS

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19 Jan 2013, 12:56 am

Self-affirmation Pledge for those with AS
by featherbrained

I am human.

I have human worth.

I am a person.

I will be humane.

I am capable of what humans are capable of.

I will ask for what a human needs.

I am a human other humans can see as human.

I will find a human purpose.

I will be patient with humanity and the human condition.

I am only human.

I will accept that.


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19 Jan 2013, 3:11 pm

I am human and I'm autistic as I shall always be for the eternity of my life regardless of what other people say or do..


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07 Feb 2013, 8:10 pm

This made me cry- like, cry so hard snot is everywhere. Dealing with depression and SH currently, and if I had one of these it might have saved my skin a few times. :S It's beautiful. <333

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12 Feb 2013, 5:29 pm

mntn13 wrote:
Self-affirmation Pledge for those with AS
by Liane Holliday Willey

I am not defective. I am different.
This is what all aspies must know.
I will not sacrifice my self-worth for peer acceptance.
Yes.Especially when your peers are dishonest,superficial and arrogant.
I am a good and interesting person.
YES.You are all interesting.Personally,i find you more interesting than NTs.
I will take pride in myself.
Of my intellegence,honesty and mental strength.
I am capable of getting along with society.
Well,not at all,but I will be loyal to my principles,no matter what.
I will ask for help when I need it.
My family is always there for me.
I am a person who is worthy of others' respect and acceptance. yOU ALL SHOULD KNOW IT.
YES.ill find a career interest that is well suited to my abilities and interests.
I am interested in psychology.I will help people like me,people who feel misunderstood and lonely.I want to bring hope in their lives.
I will be patient with those who need time to understand me. people are not always awaare of differences.
Uh, I need to remmember this. am never going to give up on myself.
I will accept myself for who I am.
You are all unique and special.As long as you know that all yuor acts were honest and sane,you have no reason to be ashamed of anything.
I am going to read this to myself every morning when I drink my tea.
I think it might help keep me going as I get older.
Thanks for posting it.

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24 Apr 2013, 1:47 pm

Please always leave this sticky. I stumbled on it during a very long, dark, horrible night, and this helped me get through it. I wouldn't have seen it had it not been right there.

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10 May 2013, 4:22 pm

jamgirl,of course it must be sticky.You all must know what is written on this topic and read it every time when you feel bad about yourself.There are some moments when you forget on it,but then you come to this topic and fell good again. :idea: :lol:


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16 May 2013, 4:58 pm

Whatever the hell I am, its good to be human. I cant affirm the odds against me being old in a months time when my op goes bad, (hope not) but likely to stay subtle and hypnotized in a dream like state as long as I can survive on anti sickness meds.
need to relate to someone who has recently been or going for an op as I hate ops and feel scared about it. as anyone would. yeah it might be only a salivary gland but its now the other side and I m hoping the good old surgeon can restore my faith soon after.
In some ways the NH's is a god-send and in others a mineshaft for the thousands involved in the effort to clear up Britain's public sector who work long hours and get pittance for their years of long service to the cause. their hard work stands for more than good reason, the medical sector ethos speaks up for itself. and without the likes of my surgeon the whole chaos of who does what and when would be self-limiting in supporting the whole infrastructure. I am reaffirming the NH's system in a good light. - even if this thread is a bit separate from that.


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06 Jun 2013, 7:25 am

sunnycat wrote:
Self-affirmation Pledge for those with AS
by Liane Holliday Willey

I am not defective. I am different.

I will not sacrifice my self-worth for peer acceptance.

I am a good and interesting person.

I will take pride in myself.

I am capable of getting along with society.

I will ask for help when I need it.

I am a person who is worthy of others' respect and acceptance.

I will find a career interest that is well suited to my abilities and interests.

I will be patient with those who need time to understand me.

I am never going to give up on myself.

aka psykiatric medicine.

I will accept myself for who I am.

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02 Dec 2013, 1:15 pm

WardenWolf wrote:
Stretching is one thing. Stretching can be good. On the other hand, too many times have I been offered positions based solely on my knowledge and technical aptitude; but I lacked the people skills that were also required, resulting in an inevitable crash and burn. I need to learn to better recognize that I'm simply not suited for certain things, and to look at the whole picture; not just whether I have the hard skills, but the people skills as well. There's a difference between a "stretch" and "way out of my league".

Like my parents trying to force me to go with them to things that last all night. It's way out of my legaue to go to a hockey game. But maybe once a month Basketabll game, I think I could handle that alright.

Tufted Titmouse
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17 Dec 2013, 6:27 pm

ahhh, stretch.. feeling better about thinking about affimation this is what i can say, after being afraid for a long time:

I CAN DO IT. well, at least i will give it my best when i go forward

i have stayed away from affirmations for a long time. this is my best

what do you think about this?

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21 Jan 2014, 5:00 am

We are.

We should be allowed to be.

We should allow ourselves to be.

We should allow ourselves to be non-NT.

We should allow NT to be NT.

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25 Feb 2014, 6:46 am

I will survive.
No matter what.


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21 Apr 2014, 6:35 pm

aspergermarried wrote:
We are.

We should be allowed to be.

We should allow ourselves to be.

We should allow ourselves to be non-NT.

We should allow NT to be NT.

I like this one a lot!! :D

My own is in similar terms:
"I have the right to be myself.
Everyone has the right to be themselves with freedom and responsability, without opression
As long as I fight for myself I am fighting for this ideal
And making the world a little better place for everyone
And that is why I can't give up ever ever and I won't"


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19 May 2014, 9:37 am

I won't be afraid to stand alone.


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26 Jun 2014, 6:41 pm

I can do this.

And get three PhDs and get some badass piano skills on top of my cello ones.

Its a worthwhile goal. Though I think you only really need one PhD and the rest is just how important you continue your research. Sure I can learn a couple extra field's, I can do electrical engineering. Everything else is just child's play in comparison. We have to know quantum mechanics and a bunch of chemistry with ever learning it just for 300 level semiconductor fabrication and semiconductor physics courses. Its really not that bad though. Maybe I am just exaggerating a bit.


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03 Jul 2014, 11:57 am

sunnycat wrote:
Self-affirmation Pledge for those with AS
by Liane Holliday Willey

I am not defective. I am different.

In reality, difference is deficit. I will remember this fact and try very hard not to be angry about it.

I will not sacrifice my self-worth for peer acceptance.

I will base my self-worth on peer acceptance. I will not develop an sense of self-worth that might interfere with peer acceptance.

I am a good and interesting person.

I must remember to speak very carefully so that others will believe that I am a good and interesting person.

I will take pride in myself.

I will behave as if I take pride in myself. I will be neat, clean, quiet, and have a humbly dignified bearing. Being sloppy, dirty, outspoken, or submissively withdrawn attracts attention. That is something I do not wish to do.

I am capable of getting along with society.

I am capable of getting along with society. I will work very hard at it, and be greatly comforted by the fact that, with an immense amount of very hard work and great personal sacrifice, I can be not despised by most people. I will take joy in this and not regret or resent what it costs me.

I will ask for help when I need it.

I will memorize the correct formulas for asking for help so that asking does not create a bigger problem. I will be humbly grateful for any help I receive, repay it tenfold, and always take advice as soon as it is given.

I am a person who is worthy of others' respect and acceptance.

I am a person who is worthy of others' respect and acceptance only so long as I manage to control and conceal my disease. If I goof up more than very occasionally, I am a person who is worthy only of ridicule and rejection.

I will find a career interest that is well suited to my abilities and interests.

If I cannot do that, I will work a series of menial jobs wherein I allow my boss, coworkers, and clients to abuse and degrade me without saying anything other than, "I am very sorry." I will seek a job with minimal social interaction.

I will be patient with those who need time to understand me.

I will be patient with those who need time to understand me, and I will not expect anyone to be patient with me. I will be patient with those who choose not to attempt to understand me. I will weather their condemnation without a word against them or a word in my own defense. I am stone.

I am never going to give up on myself.

No matter how badly I fail today, I will get up tomorrow and try again. No matter how much it hurts, I will not stop trying. To do anything else is dishonorable. I will wait quietly and patiently for death to choose its time and come for me, and hold my hope of happiness in Heaven.

I will accept myself for who I am.

I will accept myself for who I am-- a defective, worthless, and limited creature. I will not resent this. I will not dream of being or attempt to be anything else, and I will not believe those who, seeing only the shell I put on to make myself acceptable, tell me that I am a wonderful human being. I will not forget what I am, for even a moment, under any circumstances.

"Alas, our dried voices when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless, as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar." --TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"