If the hospital in San Francisco is going to find a place for ASS-P, that's good. But at the risk of sounding like a stuck record, here is what I have found to be true:
1. There are subsidized housing and wait lists all over Northern California and elsewhere, but in the bigger cities, those wait lists can be 5 to 10 years long. Smaller cities have smaller wait lists, say, 1 to 2 years.
2. There are homeless shelters all over Northern California, and elsewhere, in the bigger cities; in smaller cities, not so much, unless the population is around, say, 10K to 15K.
3. That said, I'd look into moving into a Northern California town of around 10K to 15K that has both a men's shelter and subsidized housing. One that comes to mind is Healdsburg, CA, pop. 11K. They have a men's shelter. Their senior/disabled apartments, Fitch Mountain Terrace, goes for $869/month and their wait list is currently open.
Just my $.02
https://www.apartmentratings.com/ca/hea ... 621195448/https://www.suntopia.org/windsor/ca/hom ... elters.php