cberg wrote:
Sorry was being silly cberg .. can relate to your feelings ,,
When reality gets to be too much , all that maybe left , to a surviving mind , may just be humour. Find it where you can .
Personally when my dexterity starts to go away , and after dropping the same thing three times in a row .. the definition of neurosis comes to mind .. doing the same thing over and over again and expecting it to be different?
Eventually mind & body get together and i become s
Am uccessful in handling a mere spoon. Often this is my real life. Tired of sadness crying and learning to laugh at myself. Especially when alone. Lol sorry on housing situation.
Things change , it is the only constant . Imho
Sorry I missed your quote. My roommate was walking all over me & I lost my cool, I've been too reserved recently.
I'm hardly welcome in my own house, if I keep working I should buy a place instead of renting. My roommate is shaming me over my condition(s) & prioritizing me below her internet boyfriend.
I guess I lost a friend for all I really know.[/quote
Am sorry to hear that is going on around you . Hmm.. virtual , things can just go virtually away too, if that of any condolenses . And no business shaming anyone that you even remotely wish to appear , that you care about .
( just a thought , your neural density in you cranium , is most likely significantly higher than most NTs ..) Best of luck on the housing front !
Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
where ever you go ,there you are