I've been nothing but miserable for the last 2 months or so. I had to leave school a month early because my anxiety and stress was overwhelming. I was hoping that by not going to school, most of my stress would diminish. In retrospect, it only got worse. My family does nothing but sink their teeth into me every chance they get. They keep poking until it gets to the point of a meltdown, then they blame me for all of their problems. Though it's strictly off-limits for me to poke them back. So they drag me into the psych's office, who was a complete as*hole who knew nothing about me, and only gave me a prescription which did absolutely nothing. I had been in therapy less than a year ago, and liked it, and they took it away. I asked to go again, and the answer is "no". Apparently they are the only ones who can suggest treatment options. Meanwhile, my anxiety and stress is skyrocketing - I feel physically sick every second, and can rarely leave the house because of it. I express my concern about health (possible stomach ulcers, gastrointestinal problems, etc.) and they label me as a "hypochondriac". I've tried to get them to see my side of the story, but they are so selfish and insensitive, that no amount of civilized discussion makes any difference. They think they should be given the prize for "greatest parents" because they did "everything they could to save me". Bull-fucking-shit. I get justifiably upset at their actions and attitudes, that my mom has the nerve to play the victim card. She turns the tables so that she becomes the victim of "my actions", all of which are a direct response to hers. No matter what I do or say, she always turns it around so that she ALWAYS ends up in the Queen position and wins every argument. I hate her like poison.
I need meds, but I'm worried about side effects, and I don't even know where to start. I am beside myself, and meanwhile, my health is seriously deteriorating.
I need a solution, and FAST. I really appreciate any advice.
/end vent.
Reality is a nice place but I wouldn't want to live there