I felt that way when my neighbour's cat died. He may have not have been mine, but he practically lived with me and was my best friend for a long time. I adored that cat and basically cried for several weeks straight and on off for about 2 years. And I am not particuarly emotional either. I got so annoyed when people said 'He wasn't your cat, what's all the fuss about' because he WAS in my mind, and I loved him alot, closest I have ever come to having my own pet.
16 January 2001, when he died, I still claim to be the worst day of my life, worse than family member deaths. I still miss him sooo much and sometimes still grieve on anniversaries, but I have got over it as much as I will ever do.
I hope you get over it soon, cos I wouldn't wish that kind of pain on anyone.
Stay positive
Spare a talent for an old ex-leper?
Monty Python's Life of Brian