I just finished writing a story I have been unable to get out of my head since last Halloween!
It's a story involving a shape shifting guy, who becomes a vampire, discovers he is gay, they have to raise kids, etc. (not giving anything else away). Anyway, just needed to get it out b/c I cannot decide what to do with it? It's 167 pages, with 55,319 words (is it a book, novella, short story or what?) I have other ideas to build onto it (kind of like a short series). But I think my writing style makes the stories to short to be novels, but too long for short stories or other formats. I like it a lot, but my grammar abilities/editing are not too good . What should I do with it?
p.s. Every time I get a notification someone has posted to something I have occasionally blogged/posted, my comp. won't let me use the link through my e-mail & (b/c I'm a comp. moron) don't know how to get back to it otherwise after I log off/back on later. I know pathetic .
Balance is needed within the universe, can be demonstrated in most/all concepts/things. Black/White, Good/Evil, etc.
All dependent upon your own perspective in your own form of existence, so trust your own gut and live the way YOU want/need to.