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18 Aug 2009, 3:45 pm

I hate my parents for this. Sure dinner is importaint so it can keep your body full of engery and good health but THEY FORCE me to eat at the table with them at the same time. And my Step Mother wants to talk about my personal life or things that I need to work on about 5 times in a row. She would repete herself because she think that helps Asperger's way of thinking. I don't know. I'm 90% introverted at the Dinner Table now, I'm working on a goal of not asking if I should clean the table and be polite like that. I have feeling guilty over my hatred to their personalites. I wished that I can care less and not worry about them being angry with me even though I can't relate to them period.


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18 Aug 2009, 3:54 pm

I know what you mean. I'm lucky in that I am allowed to eat in my room most of the time, but on Sundays I have to eat at the table. When I ask what's the point, they say, "Because it's nice to eat together." (What the hell kind of word is "nice", anyway? Every teacher I've ever had forbids the use of this silly inadequate word.) I can't think of a less "nice" way to eat than being forced to sit with a bunch of people I can't stand and who yell at me for answering "no" when they ask if I want some potatoes.

In my world, dinner is dinner, not a social event.

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18 Aug 2009, 4:00 pm

gina-ghettoprincess wrote:
I know what you mean. I'm lucky in that I am allowed to eat in my room most of the time, but on Sundays I have to eat at the table. When I ask what's the point, they say, "Because it's nice to eat together." (What the hell kind of word is "nice", anyway? Every teacher I've ever had forbids the use of this silly inadequate word.) I can't think of a less "nice" way to eat than being forced to sit with a bunch of people I can't stand and who yell at me for answering "no" when they ask if I want some potatoes.

In my world, dinner is dinner, not a social event.

Right, I totally agree. I think this diner time crap is the only way that my parents can get dirt of my personal life because I spend most of my time in my room away from them. Now to make things worse, I HAVE to drive my father in my car for an hour so he can judge my driving, I want him to get the hell out of my car and grant me my freedom.


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18 Aug 2009, 4:54 pm

ericc wrote: he can judge my driving,

NTs have nervous breakdowns if they don't have something, anything, to judge.

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18 Aug 2009, 5:15 pm

Family dinners are a nightmare for Aspies everywhere! 'nuff said

It's become less of a battle for me to want to leave the table when I want to from both ends. I think it was because of that meltdown I had some months ago when I threatened to throw a knife at my sister.


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18 Aug 2009, 5:27 pm

raisedbyignorance wrote:
Family dinners are a nightmare for Aspies everywhere! 'nuff said

It's become less of a battle for me to want to leave the table when I want to from both ends. I think it was because of that meltdown I had some months ago when I threatened to throw a knife at my sister.

Yeah, like my Step Mother is going to be home all day right until Monday which pisses me off! So I'm probably going to be really really really grumpy eating Breakfast and Lunch while she's walking fast all over the kitchen.

Did I mention that I can hear her walking in the kitchen from my bedroom?


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18 Aug 2009, 6:49 pm

Family dinners ended decades ago for me, but I still remember the teasing from my brother and comments from others about what I ate, how I ate it, and why did I insist on eating at certain times and refuse at other times.

I prefer to eat alone. I live alone, so that's easy now. When I visit with family, I have to deal with food issues and such, but that's infrequent enough that I can prepare.

At the same time, I've come across non-Aspies with very peculiar ideas about meals and manners.


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18 Aug 2009, 6:49 pm

Tell them that the 3 meal a day system is illogical and that it makes more since to eat small portions throughout the day.


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18 Aug 2009, 8:29 pm

I hate it. Whenever we all eat together, ALL of the conversation is about my brother. My parents are so interested in him. If I'm lucky to get half a sentence in, such as "I fixed this one computer part today", they totally blow me off with something like "Yeah yeah, that's nice..." and go back to obsessing about my brother.


Reality is a nice place but I wouldn't want to live there


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18 Aug 2009, 8:55 pm

Your lucky to have a brother, I'm an only child. I HATE speaking to my introverted Serious peronalitied Parents. Everything will be quiet until my Step Mother usually will randomly ask a personal question or statement like "So you need to excercise more because, well heck yes, you need to and (my dad's name), make sure the pants size is 2 times more. I'm not horrably fat or anything, from this example you can see how insensitive my parents are.


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19 Aug 2009, 9:30 am

They force you to eat dinner with them? What if you refuse?
You are 21, right? Do you own yourself now, or do they still have legal guardianship over you?

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19 Aug 2009, 9:44 am

CleverKitten wrote:
They force you to eat dinner with them? What if you refuse?
You are 21, right? Do you own yourself now, or do they still have legal guardianship over you?

It's kind of the rules of the house sort of thing that I unfortunately have to respect, The same goes with I can bring any friends (if I ever meet them) that are gender nonconformists because they are kind of transphobic.


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19 Aug 2009, 10:06 am

Ahh, house rules.

Are you allowed to be constantly out of the house, doing other things without your father and his wife, so that you cannot be home for dinner? :twisted:

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19 Aug 2009, 10:11 am

have dinner w them.


why are people so sensitive? sure your aspie, but come on...

how long does it take you to eat dinner with them? remember you ARE aspie, which also means whats important to other people, often means nothing to you. it is important to them, that you dine w them. do you have _nothing_ but hate and frustration, for that sort of sentiment?

life is going to be VERY VERY much worse for you, in the years to come, than having to eat dinner w your folks, so... you may as well see it as some further discomfort-practice.

i see a tendency here that once your aspie, you are entitled to a life COMPLETELY devoid of the LEAST bit of discomfort.
people find aspie-problems w ANYthing "no i cant take out the garbage, cus i can see people on my way to the trashcan. im aspie. its uncomfortable for me."

life is suffering. get over it.

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19 Aug 2009, 10:43 am

ZEGH8578 wrote:
have dinner w them.


why are people so sensitive? sure your aspie, but come on...

how long does it take you to eat dinner with them? remember you ARE aspie, which also means whats important to other people, often means nothing to you. it is important to them, that you dine w them. do you have _nothing_ but hate and frustration, for that sort of sentiment?

life is going to be VERY VERY much worse for you, in the years to come, than having to eat dinner w your folks, so... you may as well see it as some further discomfort-practice.

i see a tendency here that once your aspie, you are entitled to a life COMPLETELY devoid of the LEAST bit of discomfort.
people find aspie-problems w ANYthing "no i cant take out the garbage, cus i can see people on my way to the trashcan. im aspie. its uncomfortable for me."

life is suffering. get over it.

This is harsh, but true. If you live in their house, eating their food, driving their car, then it's really no wonder they would expect something in return. There are no free things in life. If you really want your freedom, then you need to eat the responsibility that comes with it and take care of yourself!

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19 Aug 2009, 4:44 pm

Know how you feel. I am hoping to work towards some sort of independent situation so that I can live in my own way.

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