What do you do when.......

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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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26 Jan 2006, 3:28 pm

You have suicidal thoughts?
Because I have them now.


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26 Jan 2006, 3:55 pm

I'm sorry you're feeling this way.

Do you have anyone in real life that you can talk to about this?

Can you try to distract yourself from the thoughts with something you enjoy?

I don't know an easy answer to make the thoughts go away. I wish I did. But distraction helps me a bit.


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26 Jan 2006, 4:34 pm

You call 411 if you're in the US and ask for a suicide hotline, then you call them and talk to them. They are trained in talking to people feeling suicidal. And if you feel like you are in any danger of acting on those thoughts, call 911.


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26 Jan 2006, 4:40 pm

ok, never had them before but u need happy thorghts like flying monkeys or pigs or get a comidan cause i suck. If your plaing on doing it then think aout your pearents reaction if they found out your dead if you constantally think about it then u proberally need to talk it over in your head. If it gets almost unbearable thinking which i get when i have a mission i have to do then see a theropist. You must ask your self what the hell am i doing? But if its just thorghts then realax theres proberally a reason your thinking like this.

One minute was enough, Tyler said, a person had to work hard for it, but a minute of perfection was worth the effort. A moment was the most you could ever expect from perfection.-Fight Club


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26 Jan 2006, 5:43 pm

I do what you just did.

Talk to people I know. On-line and in real life.

Recognize that I do make a difference; I'm not invisable.

I felt that way for too long and finally went to therapy and started meds. It was the right decision for me.

I remember how hopeless and helpless I felt. Its sucks.

Is there anything we can do to help?


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26 Jan 2006, 5:52 pm

Suicidal thoughts, while seeming to go on all too long, are temporary. Do not let your life become temporary, because there WILL be joy ahead. The kind of joy that will make you glad to be alive. If through prayer, shear will or cosmic vibrations people who care about you could dispell the darkness for you, they would (or perhaps will). If you do not think such people exist in your life, you must not discover them through ending it. It is not fair to yourself, nor to anyone in your life now or in the future. Dark dispondence is a very tough foe. Fighting it will make you tough too. That in itself may provide future consolation to you, but the present battle is way too worth it not to fight, even when it does not seem so. Doing something to help some one else may help you more than you will know. I don't post a whole lot, but you are too important to pass by.

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26 Jan 2006, 6:45 pm

What do when I have suicidal thoughts?

(and they are a long term acquaintance)

Remind myself that I can always commit suicide later. But that if I commit suicide I will never get to try any other option, decision or possibility.

Possibilities for help, possibilities for having fun.
Possibilities for making sense of things.
I admit I haven't found the key to making life great, yet.
But I haven't quite given up hope.
I can always do that... tomorrow.


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26 Jan 2006, 7:03 pm

Worsedale please listen to these people's advice. You need to talk to someone soon.

I know whats it like to be where your at but you have to keep in mind that life is full of possibilites you'll never know what tommorow might bring. Life never stays the same, it's constantly changing and can change for the good (or bad) within a blink of an eye.

I know it's dark in the tunnel of the abyss, but remember your friends, family, and us here at WP are your guiding light. :)

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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26 Jan 2006, 8:07 pm

What do I do with suicidal/depressive thoughts?

I talk back to them. I tell them to "Shut the f*** up!" until they go away.

I call a friend.

I call a hotline. (I'd recommend mine, but it's run by a religious group and I don't know if you'd dig that)

I e-mail Samaritans (www.samaritans.uk)

I go on WrongPlanet.net

Hang in there, my friend. We're all in this together. We're pulling for you.


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27 Jan 2006, 1:51 am

what everyone else has said, worsedale.


hang on in there hon - there are people here rooting for you, and who want to listen. and loads of us have been there - we know what it's like.


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27 Jan 2006, 6:07 am

Tell me why the f**k do u want to die any way? its passing your life for no one to enjoy it now if you commit suiside or even think about it call for help straight away. but please live for all the other people in the world. Part off me hopes that your thorghts a just a cry for help but if they aren't then i have no comment other than this: There was a boy who is a friend of my sister he stayed at my house over christmas eve and christamas morning because he wanted to die the reason he was at our house in the first place was so my sister could make sure he wouldent do it. now ask your self who in my life do i want to life for?

One minute was enough, Tyler said, a person had to work hard for it, but a minute of perfection was worth the effort. A moment was the most you could ever expect from perfection.-Fight Club


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27 Jan 2006, 4:01 pm

Laura, you clearly cannot understand how it feels to wish to die, but rather than having a go at people who feel that way, adding guilt and shame to what they already feel, you should just shut up consider yourself the lucky one.


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27 Jan 2006, 4:16 pm

Tally wrote:
Laura, you clearly cannot understand how it feels to wish to die, but rather than having a go at people who feel that way, adding guilt and shame to what they already feel, you should just shut up consider yourself the lucky one.

Guilt and shame are completely appropriate. Suicide is rather selfish. A suicidal person thinks about their pain alone, and thinks nothing about the others that love him/her that they leave behind. If you kill yourself, that will hurt the the people that you love dearly. If you don't think there isn't anyone that cares about you, you are wrong. Look at the replies in this thread. All these people care enough about you to try and offer you other avenues. Live for that. I know how it feels to have people you love die from painful diseases, and from their humvee flipping over. Stop and think about how painful it was to lose these people suddenly, and not have a chance to say goodbye to them. Now imagine how the people you love would feel if you intentionally caused them this pain?


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27 Jan 2006, 5:55 pm

Tally wrote:
Laura, you clearly cannot understand how it feels to wish to die, but rather than having a go at people who feel that way, adding guilt and shame to what they already feel, you should just shut up consider yourself the lucky one.

Yeah, really. I agree! I thought The Haven was for support, not bashing. That was completely uncalled for.


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27 Jan 2006, 7:48 pm

I have felt that way before. I had family to keep me sane.

<<hugs>> I wish you peaceful thougths, and the inate knowledge that you are a wonderful person that deserves life.

There are many free hotlines and services to assist you. Please utlize them if these feelings continue.

Remember; sucicide is a perminate solution to a tempoary problem (feeling). No bad feeling or problem lasts forever, even if it seems like it will.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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28 Jan 2006, 5:27 am

You all deserve an update.
I would say I felt suicidal unitl some time this morning. Last night I spontaneously burst into tears, and I knew I was in deep sh*t. But this morning I just managed to get my thinking cap on and abate the really dark stuff that seemed to have seiged me. It is like a battle, depression, and it is great to defeat it temporarily.

Guilt and shame are completely appropriate. Suicide is rather selfish. A suicidal person thinks about their pain alone, and thinks nothing about the others that love him/her that they leave behind. If you kill yourself, that will hurt the the people that you love dearly. If you don't think there isn't anyone that cares about you, you are wrong. Look at the replies in this thread. All these people care enough about you to try and offer you other avenues. Live for that. I know how it feels to have people you love die from painful diseases, and from their humvee flipping over. Stop and think about how painful it was to lose these people suddenly, and not have a chance to say goodbye to them. Now imagine how the people you love would feel if you intentionally caused them this pain?

Tell me why the f*** do u want to die any way? its passing your life for no one to enjoy it now if you commit suiside or even think about it call for help straight away. but please live for all the other people in the world. Part off me hopes that your thorghts a just a cry for help but if they aren't then i have no comment other than this: There was a boy who is a friend of my sister he stayed at my house over christmas eve and christamas morning because he wanted to die the reason he was at our house in the first place was so my sister could make sure he wouldent do it. now ask your self who in my life do i want to life for?

As it happens, I always have beleievd your family is your closest ally in life.
In a word, an awful lot of depression has its root when society and community won't let certain individuals appropriate the empathy they have for others. Its society that f*cks you up, not you're family.