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24 Aug 2009, 5:15 pm


Snowy Owl
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24 Aug 2009, 10:21 pm

I hate bullying. Why can't they leave us alone?! Anyone who makes fun of someone because they are different from them is a true hypocrite. -Power Girl


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25 Aug 2009, 7:20 am

Tell your mum.

Tufted Titmouse
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25 Aug 2009, 9:54 pm

Tell the principal if it gets out of hand!

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25 Aug 2009, 10:02 pm

If nothing is done after reporting it, keep reporting until something happens. Teacher. Doesn't work? Principal. Nope? School Board. Something, ANYTHING. I wouldn't be surprised if some people underestimate the problem. Just keep fighting until you win. -Power Girl


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25 Aug 2009, 10:52 pm

Ahhh....yes...I remember those days when I was your age....It went on from when I was about 10 all the way up until graduating high school whereby I was 20...I failed fourth grade and took an extra year of grade 12 to upgrade....

I was bullied relentlessly for ten years.I don;t know how I managed to persevere THAT LONG...must be an aspie thing...perseverance and hard work.I kept saying...once I graduate it will be all over and I can build myself a new life..which is exactly I am doing.I am going on to my second year of college this year, and once I am done in June, I willl be more successul and making more money than those who tormented me.Success is the best revenge.All I can say, is stick your nose to the grindstone, focus on your school work and your future.I am studying to be a legal assistant/paralegal, but if I wanted to, I could go further and go to law school if I wanted.....

As for short term advise....fight back when need be, ...but only do so if you feel your personal safety is being threatened.Rumours are the worst weapon in the NT mean girl arsenal and can only be countered by keeping a low profile and not associating with any of them....I learned that the hard way.AFter thinking they were my friends, they used what I said against me, twisted it, and turned it into a full blown personal attack.I was also blackmailed as such.Do not trust any girl who was once your enemy or associated with your enemies...she could be a spy on a mission out to destroy your reputation.If you are stood up or ignored by them after school hours...look out...they are a spy.I no longer confide in anyone unless they are a WPer or a long time Free Dominioner since they believe in a concept called honour and will not use deception, lying, and backstabbing to achieve their objectives.Not too many people have honourable intentions.The only way you will come out on top, is if you stick to doing what you do best and not stoop to their level and games.Preserve your honour and your dignity....High school does end...and beyond that, is a life way better than the one you have now.Focus on your future.

High School is like going to have one objective (diploma), but many complications such as enemy fire (bullying, homework)...the only way out is to persevere, buck down, and complete the mission....

best of luck to you sir from a surviving high school veteran....God speed!!

Honour over deciet, merit over luck, courage over popularity, duty over entitlement...dont let the cliques fool you for they have no honour...only superficial deceit.



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26 Aug 2009, 5:32 am

Bullying can leave deep emotional scars that last for life. :( enjoy life, oliver!

?We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.?

Emu Egg
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01 Sep 2009, 9:45 pm

what i do now i just kick the sh×× out of them :D

Tufted Titmouse
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02 Sep 2009, 1:11 am

I was always bullied through school for being different, some of which had to do with me being mixed race. This didn't change in adulthood, I was picked on and teased by my Supervisor and co-workers in a weird passive-aggressive way so that there was really no evidence of it happening. However, the Supervisor finally messed up and screamed at me in front of the whole office for no reason and everyone realized how nuts she was. I've since quit that awful place and she's been fired. :)

In order for something to be done, other peers and even staff need to witness it first hand. If you just go tell a teacher, they're going to think you're complaining. You need evidence to support your case.

Tufted Titmouse
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02 Sep 2009, 1:12 am

visnofskygirl wrote:
Bullying can leave deep emotional scars that last for life. :( enjoy life, oliver!

it really does! I've never had the best self-esteem and bullying made it far, far worse! But you have to realize that those kids are just being jerks and nothing that they say matters.


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03 Sep 2009, 2:31 pm

Fighting back may worked before in the 1980-1990's but in the age of zero tolerance, it will cost you your future education. If the bullying reaches into criminal conduct (which will inevitably escalate), report it to the police. If the police refuse to do anything, contact the district attorney's office.

If the situation is so serious, leave ASAP. You can continue your high school in community college or get a GED.

Pileated woodpecker
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03 Sep 2009, 8:27 pm

Bullying hurts so, so bad. People will always tell you to just let the insults and abuse roll off you as best you can--and for the most part, that's good advice. Except when the bully comes back the next day for more pickings, completely oblivious to the fact that you were hurt, grieving, and fighting an inner battle not to roundhouse kick his teeth in.

But do not, in any case, fight back physically. While it's totally unreasonable to expect any person being abused to take it in stride, school administration have probably forgotten how much it hurts to be the one getting kicked around, and if you stoop to the bully's level of abuse, they are unlikely to see you as a defender--they will see you as reckless, out of control. You will quickly move from the "poor guy everyone seems to pick on, even though he's a great student and works so hard," to "Dang, that crazy loon was just a bubble of psychotic anger waiting to burst." Especially true if you return the bullys' pain with double or triple, which they'll see as a sign you can't control your emotions.

So while you're screwed if you doact out, you are not as screwed by strongly resisting as you may believe. Resisting those who oppress you is one of the hardest things to do in life, because anyone who hurts another human being so badly just... well, they just deserve a swift kick in the nads. But we don't do it because we're ultimately the calmer people, more rational thinking. That's the ultimate strength.

So, if the bullying is verbal and verbal only--hurtful namecalling (especially sexual in nature) or rumor spreading, I find the best defense for your mind is pitying them. Pity them for the "truth" they believe, and know inside that the truth you hold is the truth about yourself, the truth that really matters. Pity them for the rumors they spread, the meaningless social connections they make because of them, and their destructive, wasteful lives. Go home, go on. Be yourself, and find others who will respect you for that.

Now, if the bullying is seriously abusive, and you're dodging blows, there's no time like the present to point it out to the administration. Tell them as specifically as you can, who, what, when and where, and file a police report if needed. The modern zero tolerance policies for protecting most students in schools may seem to some as "wussy" and "overprotective," but you can take advantage of that. And why not? Getting punched in the gut hurts, and why should you put up with it?

As for outside of school, if the fighting continues, you might want to enroll in a self defense class, one that focuses on blocks, parries, escapes, and harmless dodges. Attend a class in another town so no one has to know. This can give you confidence to endure a bully attack, but I would take the diplomacy route first; do not feel the need to "arm yourself" until there's nothing else to do. Deep down inside, most bullys really do want the same things everyone else does. They're just too bullheaded to... you know, talk about it or anything.


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04 Sep 2009, 1:08 am

Jkid wrote:
Fighting back may worked before in the 1980-1990's but in the age of zero tolerance, it will cost you your future education. If the bullying reaches into criminal conduct (which will inevitably escalate), report it to the police. If the police refuse to do anything, contact the district attorney's office.

If the situation is so serious, leave ASAP. You can continue your high school in community college or get a GED.

One of the reasons to repeal the pansy arsed zero tolerance policy....It does nothing but protect the bully turd scum and punish the victim. At least in the 80s and 90s, the bullying victims had some recourse albeit physically giving the bully turd scum a good well deserved lickin.As far as rumours go, Im pretty sure, one could either ignore those, keep a low profile, or use their smarts to dig up some dirt on the turd scum and give em a taste of their own medicine.I was in elementary school before the zero tolerance policy was put in place, and as such, I was able to defend myself without fear of reprisal from the bully through the current system.

Honour over deciet, merit over luck, courage over popularity, duty over entitlement...dont let the cliques fool you for they have no honour...only superficial deceit.



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04 Sep 2009, 8:45 am

tarepanda wrote:
I was always bullied through school for being different, some of which had to do with me being mixed race. This didn't change in adulthood, I was picked on and teased by my Supervisor and co-workers in a weird passive-aggressive way so that there was really no evidence of it happening. However, the Supervisor finally messed up and screamed at me in front of the whole office for no reason and everyone realized how nuts she was. I've since quit that awful place and she's been fired. :)

In order for something to be done, other peers and even staff need to witness it first hand. If you just go tell a teacher, they're going to think you're complaining. You need evidence to support your case.

I thought bullying was only in elementary, junior high and high school. But for me it continued on towards college and even now in the work place! I thought once people are into their mid 20s at least, that they would have more common sense. I often ask my mom why I have such common sense while others who have NO LD or aspergers don't know. No answer there. I never bullied anyone during school and even now in the work place. I come to my job to work and earn money. I went to school to study and graduate. I would love to know what the bullies are up to now. I do know one of them came from a terrible family. I think most bullies come from bad homes where their parents don't love them. Also bullies can be tormented by an older sibling at home so they take it out on any kid. I have asked them Why do you bother me? I never got an answer.

If my supervisor yelled at me or used a angry tone, I would defend myself and tell them what is their issue? What is their problem? If you have a issue with someone, then ask them what is it, without yelling or using profanity! Supervisors who yell all the time need to take anger management classes.


If you're not happy with yourself, you'll never be happy with somebody else. (Don Omar)

Pileated woodpecker
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04 Sep 2009, 4:28 pm

If you have a issue with someone, then ask them what is it, without yelling or using profanity! Supervisors who yell all the time need to take anger management classes.

Oh, this, so much. I left one of my jobs after two months because I couldn't take this anymore, and it was just eating me up inside. I wanted to jump off a bridge.

The hardest part was that I knew they weren't aiming at me, personally. It was just the general attitude towards us all. I was doing a receiving job (truck unloader) so to their credit, faster work done = more money and more sales, but I just couldn't take the glares and comments. I knew I'd be seen as being soft from leaving, but I was getting so depressed I just had to go, before I did something to myself.

Later on I decided that I'm just not the kind of person who can take any hurtful bantering, and I tell people that if it gets too hurtful. So far, most of them have stopped.

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06 Sep 2009, 3:27 am

I know how you are feeling right now. I was bullied at school as well, relentlessly from the age of 9 to 15. It got to the point where no matter how much I told people, no one helped me and so I started to retaliate. It was only me who got in trouble then. After nearly being set on fire, I stopped going to school completely and therefore lost my qualifications. All I can say is keep telling people and DON'T fight back under any circumstances. If it does become too much, make sure your parent knows how you are feeling and maybe you can move to somewhere else to finish your education. I wish I had done that...

I have HFA, ADHD, OCD & Tourette syndrome. I love animals, especially my bunnies and hamster. I skate in a roller derby team (but I'll try not to bite ;) )