But a lot of the time I hate these aspects of myself because I feel others view me as weak and as a p****, I want people to see me as a strong, determined and in control. I also feel I am too kind like my father and that kindness is going allow people to take advantage of me and ruin my life like it ruined my father.
I know
exactly where you're coming from, especially having seen my father, and others like him, retreat from his fields of interests just to make way for a load of f*cked up smartarses, even though my dad is more intelligent than they could ever be.
The best single piece of wisdom I can offer is, to remember that the manipulators and opportunists of this world are often COMPLETELY f*cked on the inside, and you can show to them just how inferior they are, partcularly if in your paradigm you are capable of expressing yourself and siezing control of things as well as being caring. It takes experience to learn when you can show this other side, but if you persevere you will learn.