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01 Sep 2009, 3:58 am

My mother never seems to know what's wrong with me... she always makes it worse apparently.

Pileated woodpecker
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01 Sep 2009, 1:00 pm

Well, if you're still reading this, I'm going to give you the obvious advice, which because of the limited information we have, may not be very helpful:

Don't run away.

Actually, don't run away... yet.

If you're birthdate is correct, you're still 17 years old, and if you reside in the US, that usually puts you in the rather uncomfortable limbo of a criminal if you commit a crime, and a juvenile if you do not (or if a crime is commited against you.) Running away without a strict plan might put you on the lamb. The best option would be an understanding goodbye to your family, where you move away to be your own person and learn some more about yourself.

But I must apologize, I've presumed too many details. Could you share more about your feelings and predicament?


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01 Sep 2009, 1:27 pm

Sometimes running away is your only option, but it's really difficult, and is pretty much a last resort.

What's your situation?

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01 Sep 2009, 1:58 pm

Try to talk to a good friend, that can help.


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04 Sep 2009, 7:52 pm

Here's what happened this week:
On Monday, when I refused to go to school, my mother took all of my stuff: laptop, router, connection, earphones and it really made me upset. She didn't take my phone (which I'm using now) or my DS because she didn't see them, fortunately. But every day this week, she gave me nothing but crap; always shouting at me etc.
The problem isn't even school anymore. It's my mother. I'm surprised that I didn't even commit suicide when all my stuff were taken away. I've been pretty much depressed in my room all week either doing nothing or being on my phone, but there's nothing much to do on my phone. If my father was handling the situation, I bet I would've been at school by Wednesday or even Tuesday because he'd know how to sort this out. Sure he would be a bit strict, but at least he'd have the correct conclusion and everyone would be happy. But no. My mother has to try and sort this out by doing nothing but shout at me all the time and take all my stuff. That really sorted this problem out. Not. -_-"
In case I'm confusing, my father is alive, just living somewhere else. It's just been pretty much the same all week. I don't blame myself for not going to school on Wednesday-Friday because I wasn't even woken up those days. Giving up much? Anyway, a few hours ago, I was at least starting to be a bit happier until my mother throws out a lame insult at me which really threw me in the dump. I've never done drugs before, but I was so depressed that I overdosed on paracetamol twice during this week. I'm feeling really down about the situation now and am almost giving up.
I want to dial 999 or something, but I'm just not bothered with life at the moment.

Pileated woodpecker
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05 Sep 2009, 2:17 pm

Wow, I am so sorry to hear you're depressed like that. Please, if you do anything, don't hurt yourself. I know that's such a generic statement to say to try and help, but no one here wants you to die over this. Use whatever strength you've got left to keep off the drugs and keep the blood in your body.

So... sounds like your mom doesn't get this trouble at all, and your dad's much more understanding of your personal trials. Are your parents' divorced?

In the meantime... try to go back to school, if only to get away from your mom for a while. You did mention you enjoy your studies, so focusing on those may help you escape from suicidal thoughts, and angry moms who wish they'd understand their children.

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05 Sep 2009, 2:26 pm

Yes, don't run away quite yet. But start your extensive planning now! Do you have a job? Do you have a love partner that you could possibly live with? Are you able to drive? Can you pay for an apartment?

Everything has to be carefully planned out. Don't rush into anything.

Continue going to school. It's a chance to get away from your mother. Do you walk to/from school? If so, walk the long way home, and take your sweet time. Are you allowed to leave the house? Take walks around the neighborhood. Find a "safe spot" to be alone, whether that's a garden or a playground or a coffee shop.

Hang in there.

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05 Sep 2009, 2:28 pm

If you overdosed on paracetemol, you should see a doctor RIGHT NOW.

It doesn't take much to kill yourself on that stuff. I had a friend who died after taking seven.

Get yourself to see a doctor. I don't know if it was a genuine attempt, or a cry for help, but these aren't drugs you should be messing with. At seventeen your liver isn't even full grown yet, you can't handle messing with drugs like that.

And if you tell me that you felt sick, but now you feel better... you still need to see a doctor. You can have a false recovery before everything shuts down. My friend started to feel better, before everything failed on her.

Sorry to scare you, if it turns out your okay, but frankly, you should be scared. I'd sooner scare you, and have you save your life, then think, "oh, she'll probably be okay," then later hear you took your third little overdose in a week and died.


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05 Sep 2009, 2:58 pm

I agree with mgran, paracetemol is bad news.

Do you have AS resources at school? Or just a counsellor. Go to school and talk to them.

Stay with us, things will get better. Look into your options.

"Yeah, I've always been myself, even when I was ill.
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05 Sep 2009, 5:38 pm

Fintan29: Just so sorry you're feeling badly and the circumstances. But as the others have written, please go the hospital right away or contact emergency services. Consider that if you had a traumatic physical injury, such as a fall with compound fracture, you would go to the doctor asap, right? This is not any different.

Of course, no one (on Wrong Planet) can give you advice, per se, but we do care about you and don't want anyone to be hurt in this way. You must be in sheer agony.....just so sorry. But taking your life is permanent and you can change your situation with the right resources. But your life is in jeopardy and that's 1st priority.

Perhaps right now you can throw away that paracetamol - just dump it so that's not a temptation. And you're precisely right, could you call 999 (in USA it's 911). Or even print your post and show to medical personnel or equivalent - they'll know what to do.

mgran and others gave good insights. Take care of yourself :flower:

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06 Sep 2009, 7:49 pm

Wow, nobody has been so nice to me since so long, even if it's from people on the internet. So therefore, I say thanks to everyone who has replied in this thread and I really do appreciate it. Also to LabPet who has given me information for help in a PM.
Good things have happened this weekend. I stopped fighting with my mother and I didn't run away. I didn't since I didn't have the courage to do so as usual. I'm also likely to go to school tomorrow.
But now that it's mentioned, I'm getting worried sick about the paracetamol overdose. It was a few days ago and I haven't even felt sick from it once. I didn't feel pains from it either. But the fact that the overdose was a few days ago has me extremely worried at this point. I tried telling someone or calling emergency services for the past few days, but every time I was about to, I was too much of a coward. I know it could possibly be life threatening, but I've always had a problem admitting things. I've had a lot of mood swings today for no reason. I've been feeling happy, then sad a lot of times today. This happens to me anyway, but then I felt sad again around two hour ago and haven't felt happy since then.
I'm going to go to school tomorrow, but I need help admitting the overdose just in case.
Anyway, thanks for the replies. It helped.

Pileated woodpecker
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09 Sep 2009, 11:56 am

Thought I'd ask how school was going for you, and if you were able to share the issue of your drug abuse with a counselor.

Though I do have a point of advice... when talking with a counselor, think about why you're taking the drugs. My guess is escape from the troubles in your life, especially with your mom and the social struggles in school. Honestly, everyone has their own ways of "medicating" their troubles, some of which are healthier than others, as they have less destructive side effects. When life grabs me by the balls, I might retreat to the corner of silent, antisocial video gaming, eating junk food, or just sleeping it away. None of those are particularly healthy, but in small doses they're how I cope with stress, and I think we all have those habits.

But after rest, it's vital to see what's stressing you out and try to change it, or change yourself. This is the hard part, and why a counselor, especially one versed in family troubles, would have some advice. Remember that they too are errful and human, and therefore their first reactions to your situation may not be the perfect advice, but give them a chance to learn from you. Counseling will not only help you find your feelings, but keep you accountable for your drug use, which will keep you alive.

Let us know how things are going.

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