kaworuchan42 wrote:
A few people have told me that if I died today, nobody would miss me, and the world would be a better place because of it, ...
That's cruel
If nothing else, keep living just to spite them.
What the hell am I supposed to do with myself?
That's something I can't realistically respond to - answer to that is something to find out for you - it's not for me to be arrogant enough to tell you what to do.
Do you have something for a spiritual life - that is often said to help when feeling that way.
Not necessarily some organised religion
(they can be a bit iffy as to how much they help), but something of life and soul which works for
you. Meditation, Naturism
(don't know it that's really a name but it describes the idea), something in the "established" faiths: anything.
Perhaps there is nothing here that a bullet in the head can't fix.
Yeah, but, see, with that the
possibility to find something is lost.
Although there is the attraction that it may well end the suffering. Finally. Forever.
We have a neighbor, Bobby, with schizophrenia, and we see that some days, weeks even, his life is quite difficult. Yet, he goes on. I can't really say what carries him through those times; but, he does do a couple creative things. And, yes, there is an in real life friend who sometimes helps out.
I know I should be happy about my upcoming full-time student life starting in Winter.
Yes, there are no guarantees there in finding IRL friend or two: there is
potential, possibility, hanging on to that might sometimes be just enough to make it through the next day, next hour, next minute, next second.
"Every time you don't follow your inner guidance,
you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness."
- Shakti Gawain