that I have no friends at all. My sister in law gave me a baby shower. I begged her not to but she wouldn't listen. She wanted to make a cake, and party favors. It was important to HER! It makes her feel good.
Apparently she didn't remember the last time she gave me one. Or realize how hurt I was.
So we all sat there around the table today, my husband and kids, my sister in law, and my other sister in law.. waiting for people to show up. And as usual, no one comes. No one seems to have an explanation why and they act confused and bewildered. But I know why. People don't ever come to things where I am the guest of honor, or the host. No one cares enough. I knew no one would come. This time a bunch of people said they'd come, but then decided to just not even show up. There were party favors, but no one to give them to. Stupid baby games, but no one to play them. Prizes for winners, but the only loser was me.
It was a celebration of the baby I'm going to have in 2 weeks. Yay. And the crowd goes wild...
Another day of humiliation to add onto the rest I suppose.
I'm going to go chew ice and cry.