There used to be a gay forum that I used to frequent. But after a while, I came to realize that there were only a few genuinely kind people at that particular place - most of the people there are hardcore drama queens.
In any case, my social awkwardness made me an easy target for many of those folk, who kept on telling me I should "grow some balls", "stop choosing to be such a worthless as*hole", that I would "never find true love", and that I bring all of this bad behavior upon myself.
How did it start? I really don't know. I first noticed it after I made a post saying that schizophrenia is one of the scariest illnesses imaginable, and then a whole lot of people jumped on me screaming that it was "not a real illness" at all, and that I was "an as*hole" for holding that opinion.
Then the hate emails started. I'm getting at least four or five of them a day, even though I stopped posting at that forum months ago. I just delete them, but frankly, at this point, I think it would be best to get a new email address.
A lot of this mail is very cruel. Telling me stuff like "your doctor should induce a coma, so that nobody would have to listen to you", and "I wish you would get a REAL illness like cancer, so that you would die and nobody would miss you". The sad thing is, the people who send these emails are held in high esteem at this particular forum. Heh.
I know I am a decent person, despite whatever BS these people say. Hell, at all of the online forums I frequent these days, I seem to fit in perfectly fine. But I am growing awfully weary of cleaning this out of my inbox day after day. I wonder what drives a person to such obsessive behavior? And these are people who claim to have no mental issues whatsoever.
At first, their words hurt me. One of them turned around and said, "Well, I get spam emails every day telling me I should take penis enhancement pills. I don't believe what they say! And you're an as*hole for being hurt by the words I sent to you!" What the hell is that all about? He sent me some of the most hurtful words of the bunch, and then turned around and denied that his words should have any effect on me, and that I was worthless because they actually did.
I don't understand how people can be like that. I have dealt with bullies for most of my life - but this is on a league of its own far more puzzling than most of what I dealt with in the past.
Well, I'm most likely going to get myself a new email addy, and take measures to make sure it never gets in the hands of ANYBODY on that forum. I haven't even looked at the place in the last four months. Heh. I'm just making this post because I can't understand how anybody can live the way these people do.