Please, I need some assistance. I've been having some OCD problems over the course of this past month, and they keep getting worse and worse. I've always had OCD, but it only recently has escalated to rendering me emotionally ill for this long. I feel like this past month has been the worst month in my life, and it's all my fault. Everything wrong that has happened to me has come from inside myself. My OCD is causing me to feel like i need to think about specific pleasant thoughts while doing specific things, instead of thinking about thoughts that disturb me. Naturally, I'm going to think about what I shouldn't be thinking about, and I feel like somehow I will face consequences later in life for not thinking the way I should during that instance. This causes me to feel the need to reset, and do that action again. This time, I'm supposed to do it right. This never works, and becomes an infinite loop. Each extra time I repeat, the frustration and feelings of being threatened increases. Last night I knew things were getting too bad when I found myself hitting myself in the head to stop myself. I ended up having a migraine for hours, that left me feeling awkward this morning. I did this to teach myself on an instinctual level to stop. It only helped for a few minutes, and now, 1 day later, I'm back in the same situation. To add to this, my perfectionism and need for consistency in my hobbies is causing me to get frustrated. I don't know what to do and I can't live any longer like this. I can't see a doctor because if my mom knew something was wrong, she'd use it later against me to make me feel inferior. Please, I need some assistance badly, I can't take this any longer.