I'm PaganMom, I joined yesterday and I've posted a few times. I'm 46, married 22 years, 4 kids and a grandbaby on the way. This post is about a thing that has had me in depression and isolation for the past couple of months. My looks.
Now, I can work on them and do small things and I'll feel like I look like a million bucks (although I'm still just average then too but that doesn't matter, the confidence does) but I haven't done them till day before yesterday. To give you a background, I'm 5-8. 130 lbs, half Sicilian on my Dad's side (who I only met once) and the rest is divided between a Cherokee grandfather and a Irish and Scotish grandmother. Well, those dark genes got their butt kicked by the whiter shade of pale genes. I'm glow in the dark pale, with a big Sicilian nose, and I have big teeth which grew in yellow because of Tetracycline that my borderline Munchausen's by Proxy mother insisted I take as a young child. I got braces for buckteeth and bonding later in life, my 20s, and the bonding turns yellow again over time. I do smoke, but didn't for a long time and they were yellow before. Just like old cotton curtains will do that. I feel VERY BAD about my glow in the dark face, my big ole yellow teeth and my big mafia nose.
However, I started using the whitestrips, which they say won't work on bonding but THEY DO, and I went back to the tanning bed today and yesterday and I get dark fast which makes my teeth look better and I tan olive looking not so much bronze surfer tan so it goes more with my big ole nose. I bought me some hair dye again today to cover the little grey, and I think again soon I'll start wearing the clothes I like instead of just the two pair of jeans and tshirts I wear every day when I feel bad.
I have a very eclectic wardrobe and it spans from vintage 50s to medieval clthing to Mod "That Girl" and "Samantha Stephens" type things to grunge to 80s to anything else. I like to dress like that, and to wear what suits my fancy even though it's WIERD but so what, I like it!
Anyway, I also bought me some nails to do and like I said my dye, and I'm going to keep it up with the white strips.
My question is this. Are there any other people here who wont go places or care much to do anything because of how you look? I know when I go months without caring, I HATE how I look and wish I'd just die or something, but it doesn't take but a week or maybe two to get me back up to speed. I'm going to tease my hair again on Sunday night and do the "flip" do again. I have a pic of me with it and looking decent on my Myspace if anybody wants to see it.
Any of you have this problem??