All of my friends are celebrating the fact that year 9 is now over. And I suppose I should be too.
But I can't.
Yes, I am leaving the school; the place that broke me. But I now have to try and rebuild my shattered life and put myself back together again. It'll be years before I recover, longer than that for the scars to disappear.
I might not even get into distant education, in which case they will try and make me go a to new school.'It'll be different' they say. 'They won't pick on you there' they say. BS. You put me through this year, through all this pain, and expect me to go to a new school? TO BE PICKED ON AND HURT AND DEMOLISHED AGAIN??? You seriously think a new school will solve the problem. That's bull s**t. THAT'S FRICKEN BS!
I'm never heading back, not to that school, not to any. They knew what was happening to me, they let me suffer. They punished me, and never punished the people who did this to me. I'll throw myself off a building before I head back there. I'll kill myself before they force me to go back.
-sigh- I've finally voiced what has been plaguing me for the last few weeks. Finally.
I just done want to suffer any more. I just want to be free.
Joined: 17 Oct 2009
Age: 43
Gender: Female
Posts: 534
Location: I think I'm lost
hey gator,
my younger brother, when he was 10, started to hate primary school. he is really gentle and thoughful and intellectual, and the school was really rough and full of dumb kids and he felt left out and bored, and that nobody liked him except his couple best friends. I think he was bullied too. I used to pick him up from the gates half the afternoons, i felt really sad seeing how down he looked and sick of the place. Anyway, my parents put him in a another school which was much nicer and which all his church friends went to. At that school he became much more happy and social, he was encouraged for being clever, he got to do lots of plays and drama stuff, and he made loads of really good friends. Now he is a genius and is doing university exams early and has a huge social life with freinds who encourage his intellectual side. so maybe a change will do you as good as him. It could be the start of a whole new life.