Did/do you think of the past?

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04 Jan 2010, 11:36 am

If you did then how did you get over doing it. If you do why and what about? For me sadly it'll be 5 years February since the suspension and I think of it daily. I cry at times and say "Oh I'm tired" but it's really just me thinking of the College issue alot (Family is sick of hearing about it so I say "I'm tired") I think of how to apologize to the Psychology teacher I upset (I'd give anything to be able to DO THIS!! !!) Right now in life I'm trying to get a job (to help pay for going back to College) but my 1st job (lasted 3 months) during a 4hr. part-time job I'd go cry in the bathroom for 30min.-1hr. upset over the College issue (It didn't help one of my Bday cards was from my Nanny suggesting I NOT work at Mcdonald's and go back to School (BUT the cost right now etc.) So any tips? I've cried EVERY CHRISTMAS since the Suspension (2009 was no different sadly!! !) :-( Thanks WP.


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04 Jan 2010, 11:38 am

I am the same way.

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04 Jan 2010, 11:56 am

I go through periods of thinking a lot about the really bad things I've done in the past. Things that I regret so much... I couldn't stand to apologise for them...



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04 Jan 2010, 12:26 pm

I go through periods of longing for the past. Usually this manifests by me obsessing over a friend of mine who died when we were in 5th grade.


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04 Jan 2010, 12:27 pm

I dunno... I don't forget the past very easily at all, and in a way I don't think I'd really want to. The day I forget the mistakes I made in the past is the day I will have forgotten the life lesson I should've taken away from those entire situations. In my past I've made tons of mistakes, but I don't have any regrets because those mistakes, and learning from them especially gave me wisdom and humility, and made me the person I am today.

Rather than try to make yourself forget (which really doesn't work), ponder instead over what you would do differently, and how you can tailor your future actions to reflect your new approach towards people and your life in general. Use the ostensibly-negative experiences you've already gotten as motivation for something more positive in your life. Nothing you do is going to erase the mistakes you may have made, so you may as well accept that it happened, and milk them for everything good you can possibly get from them. You can't control what happened in your past, but you can at least in part control what happens in your future.

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04 Jan 2010, 12:46 pm

I am agreeing with Stinkypuppy.

Also, when a person tells you to forget about it, what they mean is that you do need to stop dwelling on the same problem, and move on because it's getting you nowhere. I've been in both possitions.


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04 Jan 2010, 1:34 pm

I don't have any great insights into why, but I've probably missed out on many experiences in the present because I was busy obsessing over the past. Somehow, no matter how badly things may have gone back when, they still seem better than what's going on now.

If I had to pin it down, I think maybe it's an Autistic thing about preferring the known to the unknown - however unhappy the past may have been, there are no surprises there - all is written in stone. In the present, anything can happen and usually does. I hate that. :evil:

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04 Jan 2010, 2:12 pm

I re-evaluated everything when I was dx'ed and it was horrible - I realised that some people I'd thought were great friends had been using me, people who'd been great friends to me I'd not valued and, worst of all, someone who I'd fallen in love with but avoided as I thought he didn't want me quite clearly did - but by the time I realised it was too late.

The thing that bugs me most is that mistakes I've made in the past I continue making... guess there's no magic wand that makes you brilliant even when you know where your faults lie.

My childhood's something I dwell on a lot but that's not an Aspie-specific thing, anyone who'd had the experiences I did would be affected by them in a similar way whether Aspie or Entie...


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04 Jan 2010, 2:36 pm

i do that a lot too. i wish i had some insights into how to stop--but i haven't found anything that works yet. i know i read on one blog that it can be a good idea to re-write a painful memory with an ending that has less emotional impact. i haven't tried this yet, but may.

i notice that i have a strange sense of time. things that happened yesterday can seem very remote, whereas things that happened years ago can seem very vivid and in-the-present. i sometimes wonder if the long-term memory that helps me with facts can't also contribute to the tendency to dwell on things. (to me, it often seems very new.)

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07 Jan 2010, 6:56 pm

I did for a while, before I've changed back to the almost ladylike Mod that I knew that I still was. I'd catch myself looking back at the good old days, quite often. The days, when I was happy and mainstream society didn't bother me, so much. I've turned the clock back 13 - 14 years and I'm as happy now, as I was in 96 - 97. Why is that? Because I'm being myself, wearing the clothes that I like and listening to the music that I love. I have nothing that I feel that I have to look back at, now. I've found myself, under the green hair, tight dennim and the leather, zippers and chains. Why would I look back at what I've gone back to? It just doesn't make sense.

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07 Jan 2010, 7:41 pm

Not a day goes by when I don't think of at least 3 very embarrassing moments I had in the past. I relive them several times. It's terrible. It's awful. And I forgot to tell my doctor today at my appointment. Oh well, I can tell the new doctor I'll be talking to soon, in a week or so. :)


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08 Jan 2010, 4:35 am

These are all interesting!

My problem- being self-absorbed and ruminating over past slights. I can't let go. It's crazy.


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08 Jan 2010, 6:08 am

I have times where i think of embarrassing moments and bad things i have done over the years.
drives me nuts.
especially since there is nothing i can do to change the situation.

I just try to replace the thoughts that drive me nuts with better thoughts.
takes a lot of effort.


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08 Jan 2010, 8:11 am

I sometimes think of the depressing period I had between September 2007 and April 2008. I look back at it and think about how far I've come and how I'm still recovering. I still have depression, but it comes on in fits and starts and it's nowhere near as intense as it was then.

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09 Jan 2010, 9:28 am

tweety_fan wrote:
I have times where i think of embarrassing moments and bad things i have done over the years.
drives me nuts.
especially since there is nothing i can do to change the situation.

I just try to replace the thoughts that drive me nuts with better thoughts.
takes a lot of effort.

That happens to me too. I usually just do my best to block them out and forget about them. When I do think back to some parts of my past, I regret the decisions I've made or the people I use to hang around with as I feel now that I wasn't as respected as I thought I was.