So some of you may remember seeing my other posts on here, but if not I'll fill you in. I recently turned 21 years old in November, I have high functioning autism and have a VERY hard time in college. As a matter of fact I ended up getting an F in one my classes last term (1st term of my 3rd year of college now) put on academic probation for the second time, and I'm betting I won't have a scholarship after this school year. Which as bad as it might sounds, is just fine with me because I honestly don't wana be there anymore especially when I can't even go there and get a degree in anything because I'm not able to pass any classes that involve math in them, even after taking them 3 or 4 times. Anyways, on to my original my problem. As I said I'm 21, but I feel like I'm 7. My parents keep nagging at me for being on lap top at night. I'm not even up THAT late most of the time. Sometimes its the only time I really get to talk to my online girl friend of a year and one month, but sometimes when shes not on or sleeping, I just sit and watch anime on it to settle me down for bed. I've been that way since I was like 7, I can't just instantly go to sleep I have to do something like watch an episode or 2 of anime or read some comic book or whatever. Anyways, even though I'm 21 and considered to be a legal adult, they decide that I need to be offline at 10 PM. My dad started getting in my face this morning before I left for school about how I was on till 11. I am getting sick of this, as far I'm concerned I should be allowed to do anything I want that is legal. I mean a couple weeks ago when they were chewing my rear for getting that F they go on about how I don't think highly of myself, well when they pull things like making me feel like I'm 7 years old, that doesn't exactly make me think highly of myself, in fact, it makes me feel even LESS.