ursaminor wrote:
Jingo8 wrote:
To be fair, it's not your neighbours fault, it's all the people who really could work but don't, they create the impression that your neighbours act on and you take the hit for.
Can you even get federal disability when you can work?
Like you said, it's a joke. Either do something about it or take it like a joke.
Before I got government support it was required that I be assessed by a doctor approved by them to see if I met the criteria or not. I'm not sure what it's like in other countries but that's what it's like here in NZ. As for me, I got support not because of AS but because of mental health issues which were preventing me from working.
I agree that it's the people who can work but get government support anyway that create a lot of people's impression about people on benefits. I've noticed a lot of people in NZ having child and child just to get more money, or getting more support just because they are of a certain skin colour (it's a shame that no one wants to admit that these things are going on).
However I do think that it's none of your neighbours business whether or not you deserve government support, what your relationship status is or who you live with. They can think whatever they like but they should keep their opinions to themselves.
I = Vegan!
Animals = Friends.