I'm not completely sure if this is where this should go, but anyway...
I never used to want to be around people. If I was, it was alright, but I never actually felt I wanted it. When I was able to be alone, whether it was for an hour or for a week, I absolutely loved it. Every day I would count down to when school/work was over so I could go home and be alone. I thought that being a hermit with only a few animals would be the prefferable life style. Yes I did think about having a mate, but those thoughts were fleeting and more centred around either sex, finances or food.
I think the change started about 3 years ago. I started thinking about a mate more or just actually wanting to hang out with friends. Things went slowly from there. Being with people went from something I have to do or something society wants me to do to... being something else. It wasn't really that I was enjoying it more, I always enjoyed some people's company, it was just... I was missing it more.
Lately it has been getting far worse. I get home from work and I want to be somewhere else. I wake up and want to talk to someone. Hell, I've even gone shopping just to wander around.
I don't know why this is happening. Being alone was increadibly pleasent before, now I don't really want my days off even though I rather dislike my job. I would rather be in an uncomforatable environment with people I dislike than in a nice, quiet, structured place by myself. It makes no sense to me at all. And when I am around people, I'm as awkard as ever, not really sure of what it is I want from them. I think I want a connection with another human... but to be honest, I don't know what that means nevertheless what I would do to get it if that is the case.
I guess my questions are: What is happening to me? Does anyone know why this is suddenly happening? Is there any way to undo this or how would I go about getting my human "fix"?
I have no idea what to do or how to go about doing it. I only know that I need something that I can only get from interaction with other humans. Any suggestions, explainations or help in this matter would be appreciated.
Humm, guess I should put something witty here, huh?