That was a quote from the post that was posted on polish Aspie forum. The other part of the same post said -
"This forum is stupid! You are just lazy, stop blaming asperger syndrome! Pull yourself together!"
I just don't understand, other people started to discuss with him, but this post had no sense at all so i closed it. Immediately he wrote another post - really offensive. This time i deleted it. I just don't understand people.. this was like going to discussion board about cars and posting a thread - "Cars are stupid! You are lazy, you should all use your feet instead!"
I don't get it - the guy doesn't know us at all, he comes to read our posts and he doesn't understand us.. so he writes we are stupid.. naaah.. sorry, i had to write it. I know people are different, but i'm still annoyed.. is that something i should worry about, even if someone disagrees?