what a nice thread!
I am "mild" Aspie with very severe ADD symptoms, and today, more or less, has been a rather typical day.
The day started late, and has been very chaotic and scattery....I help run 2 businesses. My partner is also an ADDer.
I really had to FORCE my mind to concentrate on the tedious office work all the while my business partner kept mucking me up with other tasks for me to do, and demanding that I prioritize the tasks he wanted me to do over the daily orders, which I really just wanted to get out of the way, as there weren't that many of them.
I am currently taking a break, which is BAD..because I am supposed to be composing an e-mail to send to all of our customers after charging their orders to the Quick Books account of our "Other" business...so that the statement for their order will read "Super Happy Fun Land" instead of "Mazatec Garden".....This was partially my fault because i did not notice, and partially his fault because he logged into the other account last night and did not log back out.
(this is a mere sample of the tedium and chaos that we frequently experience)
My nice new helper that I hired couldn't show up today, as she is under the weather and her back hurts. I hope she did not get sick from being around me, because I was sick. She was also out yesterday because she had an errand to run.
Instead, I have the "other" helper, and while I may have frustrating communication problems, she is practically mute(around ME specifically), and it was an issue we had clashed on.....We make each other uncomfortable...I am older than her, and I have learned that 2 people with communication difficulties might have a hard time working together...Because there is no natural flow of conversation, I am often heavy handed in my instructions, and I tend to make her wince.
This makes me more uncomfortable when I talk to her....which make my words come out harder.....negative cycle....
I really prefer my new helper. I can talk to her and she cheers me up.
Today's helper is currently doing the dishes, and i have hangups about the dishes....and so my mind is ill-at-ease. I also feel bad because I am pretty sure that she does not like doing the dishes.
This morning, our water was cut off...but now it back on.
We were also out of drinking water, so there was a but of a scuffle before my partner was wrangled into going out to pay the water bill and fill up the water jugs...
Now I have to go back to work....as my mental energies are extremely scattered because there are too many other things to focus on that I really don't want to have to focus on, and tonight, 8 bands are playing at my venue, and 3 of them are from China. It is 2:16, and doors open at 7 and I need to try to make as productive use of my time as possible.