Ever had a friend show up in your dreams?

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13 Apr 2010, 10:05 pm

I mention crying and saying "I'm fine" to my parents but honestly I had a friend in my dream. It's a good friend who I've mention here before (the one off in college) She was studying bugs LOL! (in the dream real life her mom mention she wanted to do Psychology DAMN IT!) (Yall know my interest of it!) It's just sad having her and sometimes that Psychology teacher pop into my dreams and things get upsetting sometimes. (Thinking of life OMG the college issue etc.) (My explanation to my psychiatrist of the situation still upset over it etc. explaining AS etc. "Oh here's a pill to "level your mood." (Ever since I go in say I'm fine walk out with my prescription. IMO they don't care and sadly I'm beginning to thank NO ONE DOES! :-(

So not ONLY do I think of the issue EVERY second of every day it HAUNTS ME IN MY DAMN SLEEP!! !! The only moment of peace I've gotten in 5 years ( incident was in Feb 2005) was April 2009 had surgery so you're doped up on drugs OMG a day of peace! HALLELUAH!! !! !! !! !! ! Alast it wasn't meant to be. :-( (Told Psychiatrist aswell since I hadn't taken my pills for a day or 2 due to the procedure but she said they were still in my system. :-( It's sad my family hate seeing me upset but they didn't like my "Special Interest" behavior (As Aspies we talk/think/write/research ONLY Psychology (in my case) which bothered my parents so even IF I did get back into school whether it be Psychology or some other field I can't TURN OFF A DAMN SPECIAL INTEREST!! !! ! I kind of don't know where to turn. (Thank you for hearing me ramble about this for the 1,000th time and thanks for your views.



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13 Apr 2010, 11:14 pm

gosh, that's heavy :o
i can't say i've had any earthly friends or acquaintances show up in my dreams, 'cept for my late mother and father who i believe were showing me themselves separately and together, in heaven.
anyways, i "met" interesting folk i'd never encountered on earth, in a few of my dreams, people of whom i'd be their best friend to the end of time. i just wish there were such folk IRL down here on earth.


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14 Apr 2010, 4:02 am

I had a bloody counselor show up in my dream, just 15 minutes, ago. One who doesn't understand behaviour around special interests. I'd rather turn my back on her, than turn my back, on my nostalgic Kinkdom, and that's exactly what I'm going to do. The homeless can have her. It's time for me to solve my non-60s related social problems, on my own. I don't need to talk to them. It's as much work, now as it was to go to the Mental Health office, in 1998/99.

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14 Apr 2010, 6:27 am

in my dreams i am always alone.
my dreams are usually dreams of me wandering through some barren situation and i observe idly what is happening.

i did meet someone once in a dream who i never met before, and i loved her very much.

i dreamed in that dream that i was in the middle ages (about 1420 ad i suspect), and i was walking through the woods to get to the nearest town to get supplies.
there was a girl who was also walking through the woods, and it suddenly became obvious to me that it was a dangerous situation for her.
i asked her why she was alone, and she told me because she knew nobody.
i suggested we should walk together and look out for villains who maraud the area with 4 eyes instead of 2.
she agreed.
as we walked, i felt closer and closer to her, and i was dimly aware that i was dreaming, and i was experiencing a time 600 years ago, and she would be long gone by now, but i felt so attached to her company that i ignored that she lived 600 years before me.

we got almost to the town and we stopped to survey the final part of our walk and she said to me that she knew that i was not alive in her time and she knew i was from her distant future.
i said to her that love is timeless and i will do my best to ensure she gets safely into town, and she smiled at me and i felt so close to her.
then i woke up and i had the feeling that i was killed instantly by an unexpected blow to my head in that dream, and i felt extremely anxious to go back and see what happened and try to protect her.
but alas, i was now awake 600 years later and whatever happened to her after i got killed i do not know.
that dream haunted me for weeks because i really did know her.

i never had a dream like that again.


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14 Apr 2010, 10:33 am

Friends, relatives, both living and dead, co-workers, ex-lovers, celebrities and aliens from other dimensions. Sometimes all in the same storyline...

Oh, and zombies and vampires...not Twilight type vampires - we're talking grey, decomp-smelling rip-your-throat-out vampires...naked, horny, grey, decomp-smelling rip-your-throat-out vampires...

I'm clinically insane, aren't I? 8O


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14 Apr 2010, 12:34 pm

b9 wrote:
in my dreams i am always alone.
my dreams are usually dreams of me wandering through some barren situation and i observe idly what is happening.

i did meet someone once in a dream who i never met before, and i loved her very much.

i dreamed in that dream that i was in the middle ages (about 1420 ad i suspect), and i was walking through the woods to get to the nearest town to get supplies.
there was a girl who was also walking through the woods, and it suddenly became obvious to me that it was a dangerous situation for her.
i asked her why she was alone, and she told me because she knew nobody.
i suggested we should walk together and look out for villains who maraud the area with 4 eyes instead of 2.
she agreed.
as we walked, i felt closer and closer to her, and i was dimly aware that i was dreaming, and i was experiencing a time 600 years ago, and she would be long gone by now, but i felt so attached to her company that i ignored that she lived 600 years before me.

we got almost to the town and we stopped to survey the final part of our walk and she said to me that she knew that i was not alive in her time and she knew i was from her distant future.
i said to her that love is timeless and i will do my best to ensure she gets safely into town, and she smiled at me and i felt so close to her.
then i woke up and i had the feeling that i was killed instantly by an unexpected blow to my head in that dream, and i felt extremely anxious to go back and see what happened and try to protect her.
but alas, i was now awake 600 years later and whatever happened to her after i got killed i do not know.
that dream haunted me for weeks because i really did know her.

i never had a dream like that again.

That is a very interesting dream. It reminds me of something another WP member (sartresue) posted once, about feeling a strong connection to a particular person from the distant past. It's things like this that make me think that life/existence is more that what we observe day to day. Like somehow, we are connected to the past and future in ways that we usually don't see or recognize.


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14 Apr 2010, 12:44 pm

elderwanda wrote:
That is a very interesting dream. It reminds me of something another WP member (sartresue) posted once, about feeling a strong connection to a particular person from the distant past. It's things like this that make me think that life/existence is more that what we observe day to day. Like somehow, we are connected to the past and future in ways that we usually don't see or recognize.

Absolutely agree. I've had such deep emotional connections to certain people I've met in dreams, that I woke up literally sobbing at losing them, or being forced to leave them behind. It's impossible to believe someone you could bond with like that is just a nocturnal brain-fart. Parallel dimensions, man, they're really out there somewhere...I believe that.

Unfortunately, some of them contain monsters.


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14 Apr 2010, 1:24 pm

I keep dreaming about people I went to primary school with. In my dreams it's the present and we've remained friends all this time but in reality I have not seen them in probably 8 years or so. It's quite strange especially since I don't think about them during the day, and yet I've had dozens of dreams about them in the last few months.

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14 Apr 2010, 5:17 pm

b9 wrote:
in my dreams i am always alone.
my dreams are usually dreams of me wandering through some barren situation and i observe idly what is happening.

i did meet someone once in a dream who i never met before, and i loved her very much.

i dreamed in that dream that i was in the middle ages (about 1420 ad i suspect), and i was walking through the woods to get to the nearest town to get supplies.
there was a girl who was also walking through the woods, and it suddenly became obvious to me that it was a dangerous situation for her.
i asked her why she was alone, and she told me because she knew nobody.
i suggested we should walk together and look out for villains who maraud the area with 4 eyes instead of 2.
she agreed.
as we walked, i felt closer and closer to her, and i was dimly aware that i was dreaming, and i was experiencing a time 600 years ago, and she would be long gone by now, but i felt so attached to her company that i ignored that she lived 600 years before me.

we got almost to the town and we stopped to survey the final part of our walk and she said to me that she knew that i was not alive in her time and she knew i was from her distant future.
i said to her that love is timeless and i will do my best to ensure she gets safely into town, and she smiled at me and i felt so close to her.
then i woke up and i had the feeling that i was killed instantly by an unexpected blow to my head in that dream, and i felt extremely anxious to go back and see what happened and try to protect her.
but alas, i was now awake 600 years later and whatever happened to her after i got killed i do not know.
that dream haunted me for weeks because i really did know her.

i never had a dream like that again.

Wow that dream sounds awesome! (Except for the blow to the head). I've had dreams that have had a strong emotion attached to it but I don't think it was like this. It sounds like a really enjoyable dream.

Anyway, I do have dreams about friends. In fact the same few people are always involved and they're usually the main characters. I also have dreams about people I know on the internet, I've even had dreams about WP members! My dreams often have a romantic element and usually have some change involved, I have a reaccuring one where I am in a romantic situation with a friend and they change in to something weird so I can no longer carry it on, usually they shrink/get younger or turn into an animal (I had one a few nights ago that my friend turned into a flying dog). Sometimes my dreams start good but turns negative near the end, or it starts normal and gets weird near the end. I have had dreams that have been ingrained in my memory because of the emotional impact, usually if they are very strange and it can take days for me to stop thinking about them all the time. I have nightmares involving my phobias occasionally.
My dreams are like films, they have main characters, supporting cast and extras and with intricate plots and dialogue and I've even had one that had a soundtrack.

What film do atheists watch on Christmas?
Coincidence on 34th street.


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16 Apr 2010, 6:55 am

elderwanda wrote:
b9 wrote:
in my dreams .......

That is a very interesting dream. It reminds me of something another WP member (sartresue) posted once, about feeling a strong connection to a particular person from the distant past. It's things like this that make me think that life/existence is more that what we observe day to day. Like somehow, we are connected to the past and future in ways that we usually don't see or recognize.

well i do not know. i am rather basic in my interpretation of the world, and to consider the paranormal is impossible for me because i can only operate with actual data.

i do know that i felt such a timeless bond with the girl in my dream, and i would be disappointed if it was proven to me that she was only a figment of my imagination.
i can not understand how my mind could fabricate an entity with qualities i love so much that i never knew i loved until i saw them for the first time in that dream.

MONKEY wrote:
b9 wrote:
in my dreams ...etc

Wow that dream sounds awesome! (Except for the blow to the head). I've had dreams that have had a strong emotion attached to it but I don't think it was like this. It sounds like a really enjoyable dream.

no it was not really enjoyable. it was compelling. i was compelled to stay close to her and make sure she made it safely to the town, but i was not able to do it. i was no match for the villains and i was very sad and anguished that i was gone from her world when i awoke.
i almost felt like her dilemma was still happening without me there to help her when i woke up.

i tried to force myself back to sleep so i could go back to help her, but i was not able to be in her world anymore.

MONKEY wrote:
Anyway, I do have dreams about friends. In fact the same few people are always involved and they're usually the main characters. I also have dreams about people I know on the internet, I've even had dreams about WP members! My dreams often have a romantic element and usually have some change involved, I have a reaccuring one where I am in a romantic situation with a friend and they change in to something weird so I can no longer carry it on, usually they shrink/get younger or turn into an animal (I had one a few nights ago that my friend turned into a flying dog). Sometimes my dreams start good but turns negative near the end, or it starts normal and gets weird near the end. I have had dreams that have been ingrained in my memory because of the emotional impact, usually if they are very strange and it can take days for me to stop thinking about them all the time. I have nightmares involving my phobias occasionally.
My dreams are like films, they have main characters, supporting cast and extras and with intricate plots and dialogue and I've even had one that had a soundtrack.

you have a much richer imagination than me. my mind is very clinical and barren mainly.
i never dream about people i know, because i never think about them in real life except when they are in front of me talking.

i do remember once dreaming about people i did not know. in that dream, something catastrophic must have happened before i arrived in the dream. there was devastation everywhere, and all the landscape was a rock pile with glowing embers sprinkled on it.

people were wandering around in a daze and no one was saying anything, and they all seemed to be hobbling over the piles of rocks looking at them.

it was like there was 100 feet of rocks covering what they were looking for and there was no sign of what they wanted to find.

they reminded me of starving chickens crawling over a gravel pit looking for a single grain to peck at.

anyway that is all i have to say, and i do not expect a reply because i know it is hard to reply to me.


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16 Apr 2010, 6:13 pm

b9 wrote:
elderwanda wrote:
b9 wrote:
in my dreams .......

That is a very interesting dream. It reminds me of something another WP member (sartresue) posted once, about feeling a strong connection to a particular person from the distant past. It's things like this that make me think that life/existence is more that what we observe day to day. Like somehow, we are connected to the past and future in ways that we usually don't see or recognize.

well i do not know. i am rather basic in my interpretation of the world, and to consider the paranormal is impossible for me because i can only operate with actual data.

i do know that i felt such a timeless bond with the girl in my dream, and i would be disappointed if it was proven to me that she was only a figment of my imagination.
i can not understand how my mind could fabricate an entity with qualities i love so much that i never knew i loved until i saw them for the first time in that dream.


I have a possible guess who she might be. She might be your birth mother. A girl from the past who you would need a time machine to protect and who is very literally connected to you, although you have no memory of her.

Or not.

But that's my guess.


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16 Apr 2010, 6:32 pm


Pwning the threads with my mad 1337 skillz.