Please help me i am really stressed..?

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Emu Egg
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15 Apr 2010, 3:51 am

I am a 15 year old male with aspergers syndrome.
recently i am feeling really stressed out and it makes me feel really sick.
I am in year 10, and in Australia its the year where we get our school certificate. so i have to do really well. and i only just pass or i fail. I cant control my anger and can get violent.
at the moment i am starting my second week of the school holidays and they last for 2 weeks.
and about a month ago a kid in my class stole my calculator and claimed to the teacher it was his. i got up and went to take it back and he threw it off the desk. which made me really angry so without thinking i picked up a chair threw it and it almost hit the teacher. then threw another one and destroyed my friends laptop (which we got for free from the government).
Now i highly regret this and have not told my parents.
the deputy principle has spoken to me and said it will most probably cost me $350 because it was not *accidental* and was on *purpose*.
I feel really stressed because of this. and on top of that.
i hate PE gym. the teacher forces me because it is the law in australia.
i didnt show for a detention for not bringing uniform so the teacher spoke to me outside.
when i came back in my chair had been stolen and my bag was thrown about 2 metres from where i had put it.

This made me so mad i ran out of the class. the deputy took me to the school counselor. and then i was calm. when i went home i saw that my bathroom window was open which i told my dad not to do because of my fear of bugs and spiders etc.
So i kicked the window and it smashed. it will cost about 450 dollars but they will probobly pay for it.
but when they find out about the laptop incident i will be in loads of trouble.

*i cant enjoy my holidays because of these obsessive thoughts and i feel really sick and stressed. and i fear all the stress will cause serious problems.

Please tell me ways i can calm down a little bit and remove the stress.
Please help me i cant stand living like this any longer....


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15 Apr 2010, 3:53 am


Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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15 Apr 2010, 4:01 am

is the picture above supposed to tell me to chill as in relax or is it some kind of medication?


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15 Apr 2010, 4:11 am

Basically yes....

Don't be so hard on yourself, just because the world beats you over the head, does not mean you need to follow suite.

Everything in life is a lesson or a blessing, learning is not always easy. (especially about people)

If you want some ways to calm down, make a gratitude list of things you are glad you have or Don't have. :wink:

Rule #1 Don't sweat the small stuff
Rule #2 It's all small stuff


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15 Apr 2010, 3:01 pm

I think you need to relax.

The Family Enigma


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15 Apr 2010, 3:16 pm

The stuff that is going on that is making you so angry actually happens to most people. Our responses are usually much calmer. Most of us get mad but we don't smash things or get so violent. You probably have too much adrenalin or maybe testosterone. Have you been checked out at the doctors office? This is probably medical because most teens don't react that way even if they are picked on. I sympathize, but I would urge you to get checked out before you get in more trouble. There are medicines that can help you, but you have to get treated before you end up in jail or something.


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15 Apr 2010, 7:13 pm

try some breathing exercises. i find they help me.
i also did a little pilates and that set me up for the day nicely. i felt much more in control. i think it is mostly down to the breathing in pilates.

good luck man, i know how you feel to some extent. also you should know that things will get better as you get older and your rage will be much much easier to control.

If you don't feel like you can handle the stress then find a professional or friend that can help you.


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15 Apr 2010, 7:16 pm

pumibel wrote:
or maybe testosterone.

this is a common miss conception. testosterone does not increase anger etc. it is an enforcer of social hierarchy, so it could secondarily cause angry behaviour i think.

oh another thing that is good is exercise. not at school obviously but it is satisfying.


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15 Apr 2010, 7:22 pm

I've done stuff I've regretted out of anger, too. Listen, when you're so depressed and upset about school, it is a LOT harder to control the anger.

When you feel yourself starting to get mad, you need to work on consciously telling yourself to calm. In the case of the classroom incident, instead of losing your temper, perhaps you would be able to go to the bathroom, and take the long way there and concentrate on calming yourself down. Deep breaths. Tell yourself you CAN control yourself. Because you can. It is really, really hard, but you can do it if you force yourself to.

As for school, can you ask the teachers for extra help if you don't understand something? Or is there anyone else who might be able to help you make sure that you know the material?

Also, whether you get that calculator back or have to get another one, make sure to put your name on it in a permanent way. Then if someone take sit, you can tell the teacher it is yours and tell her it has your name on it. Then there won't be a need to throw anything.

Best of luck. You CAN do this. Don't let anybody tell you that you can't


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16 Apr 2010, 11:38 am

when you feel this way stop and pause 10 seconds. in those 10 seconds think about what your about to do and the consequences of that act.

Like if your going to break a window pause and think"if i break that window lots of spiders will get in because i will have no window."

then think of a less destructive way to vent your anger like punching a wall.


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16 Apr 2010, 12:48 pm

OMGS, You sound just like me when I was 15. I had an explosive temper too. Dude they're right, you need to find something to do to relieve the stress in your life. I started running early in the morning and then swimming later when the weather permitted and that helped me with all the stress and frustrations of dealing with @ss holes and jerks like that guy. I'm really sorry that you have to put up with people like that but we all end up dealing with them, off and on throughout our lives. That guy manipulated you and wanted to get you pissed and you did. Next time don't give anyone the satisfaction of getting you upset again. And find some kind of outlet for all that dark energy before you hurt someone bad including yourself. You are really better than this. Let us know how it all works out for you. :)



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16 Apr 2010, 1:50 pm

just-me wrote:
when you feel this way stop and pause 10 seconds. in those 10 seconds think about what your about to do and the consequences of that act.

Like if your going to break a window pause and think"if i break that window lots of spiders will get in because i will have no window."

then think of a less destructive way to vent your anger like punching a wall.

THIS! This is how I learned to not blurt out inappropriate things when talking to strangers haha. Count to 10 and think about how everyone else will react to what you're about to do. Gives you enough time to realize consequences and thus calm down when you realize it's not worth it.

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