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05 Apr 2010, 6:37 pm

My life is pretty much a mess right now. I´m writting this because I can´t sleep but at the same time I´m not able to do anything else. I´ve been heavly depressed for one year now and I stay most of the day at home and can´t do anything else. I go to group therapy 4 times a week, but it does not help with my depression. I read elsewhere that therapy alone is not considered an effective practice against heavy depression. I skiped the group these days because I started taking Lexapro while quitting Effexor and that made me feel worse. But apart from that the group at therapy is pretty cool. I stay in WrongPlanet for the whole day. And I´m terribly alone since I refuse to go out with friends (I feel too tired to go out, or to talk) and I also skip the familiy gatherings. And I´ve been through this for a year now. I´m so afraid because I don´t know when this is going to end and because I have no one to talk to. I quit my individual therapy because going there was getting me nervous. She used to say to me that I was not making effort or that I relied only on the medicine, but that was not true. Never have I been puting so much efford on the things I do and yet the results I get have been so small. I trust my psychiatrist, he said that because of this kind of depression that I have I will only be better when he get "the right chemical balance" in my brain. But in this whole process there has been so much suffering I don´t know how much more I will be able to get.

I know that the odds that someone have gone through something similar are low. I just wanted some words of comfort from my friends at WP at this difficult time of my life. :)


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05 Apr 2010, 9:46 pm

Hang in there, Wedge. I hope things get better for you soon.

Darth Vader. Cool.


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05 Apr 2010, 10:04 pm

The first combination of medicines doesn't always work and you have to try different things at first to get it right, just like the doctor says. I was on large doses of Effexor at one time and lost my insurance and all, so I came off it and was it terrible shape. I was more depressed after coming off Effexor than I ever was before it. That may be exacerbating your problems, too-goinf off the Effexor.

Since you have such long term, chronic depression you really do need a medicine as well as therapy, IMO. Maybe you can try another therapist. They are only human, and maybe you have to find the right one of those too. But don't give up.

Have you tried yoga or meditation? Maybe even getting some exercise like a walk or going to the gym may make a difference. If you dont like leaving the house you could get the Wii FIt or something else you do at home- get th eblood flowing and get you out of the bed or off the couch for at least a little while each day.

Pets- they are great! Even fish, if you have strict landlords, or plants to talk to and take care of, can brighten up your environment. Light therapy is another alternative.


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06 Apr 2010, 10:41 am

Thanks druidsbird. Thanks pumibel. Yeah, maybe I could try another therapist. Thanks for the tips. I have a dog, and I play a lot with her. :)


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06 Apr 2010, 10:48 am

pumibel wrote:
The first combination of medicines doesn't always work and you have to try different things at first to get it right, just like the doctor says. I was on large doses of Effexor at one time and lost my insurance and all, so I came off it and was it terrible shape. I was more depressed after coming off Effexor than I ever was before it. That may be exacerbating your problems, too-goinf off the Effexor.

Generally antidepressants are stoped gradually, having to stop them suddenly is a bad thing.

Down with speculators!! !

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08 Apr 2010, 11:38 pm

Hi wedge,

ugh, i hate depression. It's just so awful

I think the best thing to do is try to distract yourself as much as possible and wait for the feelings to subside.

I find art to be a good escape. Music, paintings, drawings, poetry; creating or appreciating art seems to help

also reading.
The german Arthur Schopenhauer said this:
"I've never know any trouble than an hour's reading didn't assuage."

you should look into Schopenhauer. If anyone understood depression and pessimism, it's him
or maybe Nietzsche. his philosophy is more uplifting

good luck

Patrick ̂·̮̄̄ ̮̄·̂


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10 Apr 2010, 8:43 pm

When you get to the end of your rope, hang in there! :D

The Family Enigma


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11 Apr 2010, 9:27 pm

Yes lately I have been having some problems with depression again. I know I wont have an appointment soon so I have been trying to keep myself up and going when I can . I am so fatigued it sucks. But I don't want to get into one of my really deep and dark depressions so I am trying really hard to keep active. So I know how you feel.


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12 Apr 2010, 6:23 pm

Thanks asdsa. I like art. During the depression period I´ve been to two exhibitions one from Henry Matisse and other one from Mark Chagall. Both were great especially the one from Mark Chagall. It seems that I learnt to appreciate art a little better (and it was about time!). I also re-started my comic book collection during the depression period and some of them have nice art (not all of them are superhero) like Robert Crumb and Art Spiegelman. I also made some drawings you can see them here ( ... t=#2708989 ) and here ( ... t=#2699521 ) they are not very good but I had fun making them. I used to show my drawings to a girl here on wp called "song-without-words" but I´m not getting messages from her anymore. :cry: :cry: :cry:
Regarding Nietzsche and Schopenhauer I don´t like either of them. :) . However I´m reading a book that explains a lot about Kant which is a philosopher that I like (yeah that is a good one).

Thanks CockneyRebel, I´m hanging in here! Your party rocked by the way!

CockneyRebel wrote:
When you get to the end of your rope, hang in there! :D

That reminds of this song that I like!

"Hold on - Hold on
Wait maybe the answer's
Looking for you

Hold on - Hold on
Wait! Take you time
Think it through
Yes! I can make it through"

Hope that you get better pumibel. Being around friends is also important.

Last edited by Wedge on 15 Apr 2010, 6:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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13 Apr 2010, 1:10 am

Wedge wrote:
My life is pretty much a mess right now. I´m writting this because I can´t sleep but at the same time I´m not able to do anything else. I´ve been heavly depressed for one year now and I stay most of the day at home and can´t do anything else. I go to group therapy 4 times a week, but it does not help with my depression. I read elsewhere that therapy alone is not considered an effective practice against heavy depression. I skiped the group these days because I started taking Lexapro while quitting Effexor and that made me feel worse. But apart from that the group at therapy is pretty cool. I stay in WrongPlanet for the whole day. And I´m terribly alone since I refuse to go out with friends (I feel too tired to go out, or to talk) and I also skip the familiy gatherings. And I´ve been through this for a year now. I´m so afraid because I don´t know when this is going to end and because I have no one to talk to. I quit my individual therapy because going there was getting me nervous. She used to say to me that I was not making effort or that I relied only on the medicine, but that was not true. Never have I been puting so much efford on the things I do and yet the results I get have been so small. I trust my psychiatrist, he said that because of this kind of depression that I have I will only be better when he get "the right chemical balance" in my brain. But in this whole process there has been so much suffering I don´t know how much more I will be able to get.

I know that the odds that someone have gone through something similar are low. I just wanted some words of comfort from my friends at WP at this difficult time of my life. :)

I have had major depression since i was 12. it hasn't lifted yet.
I know how hard it is to get up and get moving. I'll give you some advice my boyfriend gave to me.

Do what you can. If you cant do it then rest. Don't feel bad that you cant do it because depression is a real problem. just like a broken leg is a real problem.
someone with a broken leg cant walk. someone with depression cant do certin things. It is not your fault though.

And your therapist did not know much. Because if she knew about depression she would know that is the reason you cant work harder is because your depressed. which is not your fault.

I hope your sleeping improves. i know what it is like to not sleep. I have that problem myself.

Keep hope , watch funny moves that always helps. I hope you find a solution that works for you!


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13 Apr 2010, 11:26 am

Get well Wedge. :) I go through depression and it really can hurt.
Depression doesn't last forever and things can go well for you. :) Good luck - you will rise out of it.

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16 Apr 2010, 3:16 pm

just-me wrote:
Do what you can. If you cant do it then rest. Don't feel bad that you cant do it because depression is a real problem. just like a broken leg is a real problem. someone with a broken leg cant walk. someone with depression cant do certin things. It is not your fault though.

And your therapist did not know much. Because if she knew about depression she would know that is the reason you cant work harder is because your depressed. which is not your fault.

That is exaclty how I feel. I´m glad someone can understand that. Thanks for your message just-me. Thanks samtoo.


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16 Apr 2010, 5:17 pm

Wedge wrote:
just-me wrote:
Do what you can. If you cant do it then rest. Don't feel bad that you cant do it because depression is a real problem. just like a broken leg is a real problem. someone with a broken leg cant walk. someone with depression cant do certin things. It is not your fault though.

And your therapist did not know much. Because if she knew about depression she would know that is the reason you cant work harder is because your depressed. which is not your fault.

That is exaclty how I feel. I´m glad someone can understand that. Thanks for your message just-me. Thanks samtoo.

Your welcome. I'm just glad i could help.


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16 Apr 2010, 9:21 pm

Depression is a serious condition and talking about it doesn't get rid of it. Excersise helps, but it's still there.

Have you had your medication assessed? It may not be working for you. I know a lot of people are against it but medication can really improve the quality of life if it's the right one.

Try and get as much sunshine as possible, i know through personal experience that lying in bed makes it worse.

Sorry you're going through a hard time.


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17 Apr 2010, 11:14 am

hale_bopp wrote:
Have you had your medication assessed? It may not be working for you.

I talk to my psychiatrist every week on the phone and we are changing the medication. I´ve been on Pristic, Wellbutrin, Effexor (with boosters) and now Lexapro but nothing seemed to help. :( . Pristic used to work well with me until I had this crisis.

hale_bopp wrote:
i know through personal experience that lying in bed makes it worse.

I try to do things. Well what is possible. Maybe I will watch "Green Zone" today. :)

hale_bopp wrote:
Sorry you're going through a hard time.
