samtoo wrote:
To be honest, I was meditating quite frequently at a time and reading some very inspirational mini chapters in a book called "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" and it was all helping a lot, but I stopped doing this. Everything for me became a struggle. I know how to do some basic meditation however and I should try to again, because logically, and emotionally, why should I not put in effort to make myself happy and not tormented by stuff I can overcome?
There are some things that can affect meditation ease... when you sit, do you face a wall or out a window? If anxiety is coming up a lot, facing into the sky or large open space or out a window can help with the claustrophobic, crunchy feeling.
Lifting the gaze slightly can help with drowsiness, lowering the gaze can help quiet the mind. Duration of the sitting period can be changed, posture corrected, all sorts of minor things can have a big impact on one's ability to sustain practice and the effectiveness of practice.
It's helpful to work with someone experienced in a tradition of meditation when an obstacle comes up. I happen to be Buddhist, so I know most about that, but I've got friends who are contemplative Christians, and the Sufis also have many experienced meditation teachers.
Samtoo wrote:
I think the fact that I never go to bed for too long then get up at ridiculous times probably isn't helping. I have become nocturnal and I should go to bed a lot earlier, because I think I need about 8 hours of sleep and I haven't been functioning too well and haven't given myself chances to go to sleep.
You might check into dream yoga... have a listen to B. Alan Wallace's talks in their archive. To do dream yoga, first you have to fall asleep, so he has some nice recommendations for that. Then, when you wake up, you can record your dreams, making it all meaningful. All on the way to cultivating lucid dreaming and exploring the landscape of the mind... fascinating stuff!
Thank you about the signature.

This is a Buddhist quote.
I thought I'd seen it before!
I'm going to bed now... sleep well!