Why, yes - yes - that's the ticket! You're ab-so-lutely correct! Aspies never lie...and we're always right! That's why we secretly rule the world! We only pretend to be quiet and unassuming so the NT-men-ies won't catch on to the master plan of our alien overlords, to destroy human civilization with our mind-numbing mediocrity ray! Mwuh-ha-ha-ha-ha!
It goes back to one of the central issues of Aspies and social function - processing - someone recently used juggling on another thread as a metaphor, in that we can handle one interaction at a time, but the more there is going on, the trickier it is for us to keep up with all the incoming stimuli.
Lying works the same way, for me at least. I simply don't want the extra mental acrobatics of having to remember all the pieces of misinformation and how they (supposedly) relate to the actual truth. Life offers enough obstacles for my brain to negotiate without me making more for myself. I love making up stories on paper, but lying is just a pain in the ass. Besides, I despise people who lie to me, as well as hypocrisy in general, so I just avoid that sort of behavior on principle.
On the other hand, intentionally disclosing the truth for no good reason - that's another matter entirely.