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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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02 May 2006, 5:46 am

I just joined here, I am on another list where I wanted to share and get some support for how much better I am doing since I started chelating. They asked me to share share share, and when I did they all just criticised me, saying chelationion is BAD and that it doesn't work and that they have heard it all before!

So first I said great I don't even feel frightened of this, when I used to be afraid inside of the doorbell or the phone (outside I pretend I am fine), So I keep writing on this other list, being polite and saying what I think. They say enough already give it a break! All they want to talk about is what a pain in the ass their autism kid is and that I should work on my people skills! Great advice, what wit.

I am doing really well chelating, but I still have feelings. I didn't even know there was a big fight about it. It just helped me and my son a lot. I just wanted to find some friends who wanted to support each other and share. My life is changing so much, I am not happy just working on my computer now, I want to talk to people, I need to change my life. I don't want to hear any more crap about chelation not working and that I am a born again Christian or a Jehovahs Witness because I am happy that it has helped me.

I am down tonight. I wasn't frightened of them, but maybe I should have been? They hurt me and it has taken me a long time to know it. What kind of sick people put down people in a nasty way for their lack of people skills on an aspergers site?

Maybe I am not getting better because now I want to cry and kick that guy! I am getting better though I know. I am off all medication and I don't hardly even want asprin now. I haven't had an anxiety melt down for ages, even when I get mad. I had a fight with my husband on the weekend and still went out and made a movie with him and my kids on Sunday instead of hiding in bed for the next two days, anxious and ashamed and afraid like I used too.

I have no idea who I am writing to here, so I better shut up now. If you are listening and you feel for me or you are chelating too and want to talk about it, thanks. If not or you want to give me advice or put me down I don't want to know.

:? :cry: [/i]

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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02 May 2006, 5:51 am

Chelating is a chemical process. Is it also perhaps slang for something?

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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02 May 2006, 5:56 am

No slang, I am taking an oral chelation product developed by a scientist that I know here in Australia. I am not sure why I have come up on this as Emu Egg, but that made me laugh a bit inside. I guess I will work all of this out if I have any fun here.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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02 May 2006, 6:03 am

There are lots of slang terms apparently common on AS websites which I've never heard of before, so I thought it might be one of those.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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02 May 2006, 6:17 am

Never having heard of it is way better than you being part of some crazy war about it for sure.
If you want to read more you can go to and spend all night reading.
Hey but I am not saying you should, or preaching or anything, as I said, I didn't even know that there was so much opposition to this before I went on the other list.

I actually had the stuff in my cupboard for nearly a year (Hans my scientist friend had given it to me) before I even knew I had Aspergers, then I found generation rescue and then I called Hans and he reminded me that I had it in my cupboard the whole time. My life is always really strange like that.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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02 May 2006, 6:33 am

karismac wrote:
My life is always really strange like that.

That happens to me all the time too. Little things that seem unimportant come into play later, sometimes years later, and it all fits so perfectly that it seems I set it up to be that way. An old friend once thought that was what had happened, and stopped being my friend because she thought I'd set her up to assist me in something years later.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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02 May 2006, 6:36 am

That is sad, did you ever makeup?

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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02 May 2006, 6:44 am

karismac wrote:
That is sad, did you ever makeup?

Nope. I haven't seen her in years, and she's on the other side of the continent.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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02 May 2006, 6:53 am

Oh well, people come and go. I might sleep now,
I will see if I got this Avatar thing happenning, and
if I am still Emu egg. I will see how this site goes,
it seems like it might be OK. You are very calm,


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02 May 2006, 11:33 am ... lates.html

I know that chelating is a way of binding metal ions. Sometimes it is to help make the metal element more accessible to the plant or animal, in some cases a chelate will help remove the metal from the plant or animal.

Iron Chelates is very good for lemon trees with iron deficiency - the leaves go yellow. Other forms of iron like rusty steel cans, are inaccessible to the lemon tree.

Mercury has been excluded as a cause of autism by Eric Fromm, a French-Canadian scientist in Montreal. The increase in diagnosis of aspergers and autism can easily be linked directly to the increase in education among mental health professionals. ... 619796.htm

It's like when Astronomers develop better technology for looking at the stars - they see more of them, but it isn't like suddenly there are more stars. The stars were always there. And so were the Autistic and Aspie Stars.

Take the chelates if it makes you feel better but it's got nothing to do with "curing" autism or aspergers.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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03 May 2006, 12:02 am

People just can't help themselves can they?

I am not taking chelated metals I am taking a remedy that chelates the metals in my body so that my body can decide if and where it wants them, or get rid of them. I am now thouroughly aware that some people do not believe that this helps with Aspergers, but myself and many people who have tried it do.

I didn't ask for another know it all that just can't help themself to give me their unsolicited opinion. This is the haven. I asked specifically if anyone else who has tried this or is doing this too wants to talk about it. I didn't think that I could have made that any clearer. Pro chelation people have a right to talk to each other online too.