zeldapsychology wrote:
I understand the save for future part but FOR GOD SAKE! I was going to pay for half the DAMN PARTY! and I was going to buy Movie tickets/lunch (she'd pay gas/popcorn) So I was going to pay my share!! !! !! !! It wouldn't be an OMG party. Just invite some friends over (costume contest) Pizza/soda etc.! !! ! I saw NO ISSUE with my party idea!! !! !

I know I shouldn't feel this way but I feel hurt.

Even paying for half a party can be quite expensive and time consuming.
You talk about 'paying your share' as if the party is already planned and you are both on board with the idea 50:50. That would be fair enough, if both of you wanted to throw a party and split the costs equally.
But since she doesn't want a party to begin with, and has stated as much, then saying that you'll 'pay your share' of 50% is a bit like saying "
I want a party, so I want
you to pay for half of it...". Since, in reality, you're the only one who wants the party, your share of any potential costs should be closer to 100%.
If you want this party that much, you will either need to finance and organise it yourself, or find another friend to help out instead.
Personally, I'd recommend just going for the meal/cinema. Way less fuss. Or you could compromise and go out for a meal in fancy dress

I saw NO ISSUE with my party idea!! !!
Unfortunately, different people have different issues. Your idea sounds fine, and I'm sure a lot of people would love a party like that, but I also see how it could run into difficulty with planning, especially as you are both busy (you're starting college soon too, aren't you?).
Last edited by Lene on 20 May 2010, 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.