Seanmw wrote:
I'm looking at all the other men in my family, & it's just sudden;y hit me...
I'm prolly going to start losing my hair in years to come
I've already noticed some very slight thinning and i'm only 19.
This kinda scares me

They've pretty much already got a cure for cancer in the works:
a combination of nanoparticles (delivery agent for RNA-interference. Can be injected into the bloodstream), RNA-interference (silences the gene that enables cancerous cells to multiply), & taxol (a particular chemo drug proven up to 10,000 times more effective when combined with RNA-interference)
proven effective against cancerous human tissue samples
they just haven't run through all the necessary testing to start on actual whole people yet.
so why hasn't anyone come up with a cure for something as common these days as hair-loss

Don't sweat it, dude. My hair loss at 18 or 19 was barely noticeable. By 23, it was a noticeable spot. By 25, GONE, BABY, GONE! lol
I'd be a prime candidate for transplanting because except for the very top of my head, I still have insanely thick hair and I've never liked getting haircuts.
Don't worry about it at all, though. If you want, get a head start on it (no pun intended) and buy some clippers. Chicks LOVE bald dudes. I used to have a list of famous bald guys that I'd take out and read to make myself feel better. I think it was like: Kojak, Bruce Willis, Michael Jordan, Patrick Stewart (makes my woman hot), Samuel L. Jackson. I've even given thought to doing the whole Kojak thing, complete with shades (I wear glasses anyway) and lollipop.
Hair is overrated. Trust me on this! Skin is IN, baby!