I have AS, im 16 yr old, male, currently homebound, and i dont know why but now more so than before im noticing the really big differences between me and my family. So, while looking at the differences im starting to feel quite lonley in my home. I have simalarities with my parents yes, but i think that the diferences are equal to or out way the simalarities, and aside from weighing and calculating the differences, my logic and sense of thinking known as "Black and White, no gray areas" are letting me relize, i am logically different from my family, almsot a 10:1 ratio of being the different than them. Now im pretty shy i have been in the past always wanted no freinds, but now i want some that understand me, i really do feel like im on the wrong planet, it sucks. What can i do?
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.
Albert Einstein