The work of Jerry Seigel, Joe Schuster and Bob Kane looks pretty unskilled compared to the work of Todd McFarlane, Jack Kirby, Jeff Jones, Bernie Wrightson or Vaughn Bode, but look what those 'hacks' gave us. I had a little training growing up, but nothing professional and I'm the first to remind anyone who compliments my work that I'm only a hack with a little developed skill, but I'm not ashamed of that.
Art is utterly and completely subjective. One takes away from it whatever one chooses to see in it, always on some level a reflection of oneself. If it doesn't speak to a particular individual, then they didn't resonate to that work, no big whup. I'm more than a little puzzled by some contemporary cartoonists whose work is so primitive it seems they intend for it to look like the scrawling of a preschool child, but the content is usually deep and intelligent, so I assume its either a statement I'm not getting, or meant to point up the content by not distracting from it with irrelevant details.
And surely by now you realize that the internet is a convenient mask for bullies who use it to spew bile and vehemence they would be too cowardly to ever say to anyone in person. You might not be so offended if you could see that most of the voices insulting you are those of 12 year old boys, who don't have enough sophistication to know art from a hole in the ground, but enough hormones and frustration to fill a truck.
Stephen King has described his work as "the literary equivalent of a Big Mac and fries" - if that's the work of a hack, sign me up, I'll proudly belong to that club!