Zara wrote:
Just life itself can be tiring...
I get that way sometimes too. All I'll want to is sleep...
I'm sorry you're feeling bad Wren.
Criticism can be hard to take sometimes. Depends on a lot on how the criticizing goes about, but sometimes it can get stuck in one's head and make lie miserable. I've had that happen too many times... I even do it to myself sometimes too.
If you don't mind me asking, was there something specific that set you off like so?
As for your rage, it's not unusual to be angry at life when depressed as well. (Lord knows I smashed up a lots of stuff when I was younger... sometimes I don't even know why I did. Still get those urges sometimes too...)
Maybe you should try doing something different from your usual life to get your mind and body away from the stressful situation for a bit. I know when I'm feeling off I'll go for a long drive somewhere, usually up into the mountains. The openness and scenery usually gets my mind to escape whatever is bothering me long enough to come back more calm and capable.
Give yourself a short, mini-vacation to unwind(if you can't take a longer one though).
I hope you feel better soon. *hugs*
*hugs back Dave*
I guess it was this new guy at work that set me off. He basically told me what a SURPRISE it is to discover that I'm actually SMART, because I pretty much come off as an idiot at first.
I just really didn't need that guy telling me that. Because I already know. I am not capable of the kind of verbal connection that makes a person look smart.
And all the "normal people" in my life, even the ones I'm close to, pretty much treat me the same way. I'm surprised they don't give me kitty treats when I perform cute tricks. Just cause I don't talk very well doesn't mean I'm a dumb animal.
Anyways I've been sick with food poisoning for the past 24 hours or so and all the time passed out in bed has calmed me down a lot. In fact I'll probably go back to bed right now.
Thanks for being there Dave, you're a good friend.
Darth Vader. Cool.