People, people, please beware of manipulative statements. Note carefully this statement:
Florescent wrote:
I just put this up so people like hale bopp and emp would stop bsing me. And especially Remillard.
That statement is actually true. Basically what it means is that he just put this up for manipulative purposes. As he virtually says in the above, he just put this up ("this" being the claim of having cancer) as an attempt to manipulate people into disliking anyone who criticizes him (specifically hale_bopp, myself, and Remillard).
Following is another very manipulative statement:
Florescent wrote:
If I die tommorow you can never type out an appology.
That is an attempt to manipulate people into feeling guilty.
I do not know what Remillard said to Florescent, but judging by the following, it seems that Remillard told Florescent to stop being manipulative. If so, I fully agree with Remillard.
Florescent wrote:
And especially Remillard. Who does he think I am trying to manipulate I wonder, SHUT THE FUNK UP.
I severely doubt that he has cancer. People who genuinely have cancer do not write about it in the way that he is doing. But even if he does, that does not give him the right to be manipulative.