If you live in the city, get a sealable jar, such as a pickle jar, wash it out, and grow a plant in it. Keep the lid sealed, and every few days, take the lid off and quickly stick your nose in there and breath deeply. Its wonderful.
You actually do have to remove the lid so as to refresh the air, and to water it, but it shouldnt take much effort, and will always give you something nice to smell. Use it as a treat when you are down.
Pick out little things you like, and give them to yourself as a treat. Make sure you limit yourself, as thats what makes it special. It doesnt have to be a reward, but you shouldnt give them to yourself each day.
This will give you some small things that make life bearable. From there, find larger things that will make you feel good.
And read this, as many times as you need to. http://www.wrongplanet.net/asperger.htm ... ic&t=12656
I like to shake my fist at the world when i read it.