I have been trying to calmly think for the last two days about how to word this post without causing the average response I have gotten in every other situation where I have asked for advice or at least for those who have dealt with a similar situation to offer up their experiences in dealing with it. Yes, this post amounts to a "life story", and from what I understand, that sort of thing is hated. So if those types of posts disgust the one reading this, I ask that you simply press the back button on your browser and do not waste my time with an insulting reply telling me to lighten up and stop crying. You are treading a well worn path, and not helping any moreso than the ones before you. I do not require a "shock into cruel reality". I simply have no interest in being told I am whiny scum when I am more critical of myself than any random stranger on the internet can ever hope to be.
EDIT: I am removing the majority of this entry because it will simply cause the "tl;dr" type attitude, followed by the average "cry moar" reply.
I am a 28 year old 500 lb. 6'8'' tall antisocial borderline sociopath with a "bleeding saint" complex who believes that I was driven to this level of madness going through life as a chew toy for alpha male wannabes trying to prove their manliness by manipulating my lack of social skills in their favor. I am incapable of forming a defense against them because I do not want to become the bully who throws their size around to get their way because they lack the social skills to talk their way out of taunting, and my lack of wit prevents me from turning their insults against them. My fear of that when I was younger made me a doormat. My disgust at being treated like a doormat has made me a hateful adult. And I believe that being misdiagnosed as being depressed and, when that didn't work, being written of as a whiny excuse-user who has no interest in help has lead to my general disgust with the general public, barring me from holding any gainful employment.
I do not enjoy the "I'm sorry, but I have tried that method before and it didn't work" game, because it encourages the "You make too many excuses. You want to be miserable" response, but if I post all the info at once, nobody will read it and will instead post solutions that have not worked for me anyway. And then still reply with the "You make too many excuses. You want to be miserable" response.
Last edited by Axel_Midego on 03 Sep 2010, 5:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.