ninszot wrote:
Seems like when I post nobody answers or I just get ignorant critical responses.
Am I too much of a DORK even for WP?
If I ask genuine questions I get called a Troll, If I post about my interests nobody else responds.
I'm starting to think Aspergers for me means being clinically unlikable.
LOL no there's so many different types of people on WP, so don't just jump to conclusions. That means there's tons of people who are probably dorkier than you. Besides AS is about social ineptitude, so you're very unlikely to be the dorkiest of the dorks. And you might even probably decide that dorkiness isn't even a way to value people by.
There's millions of threads, so not getting a response isn't because your interests are boring or w/e. It's cuz it isn't anymore attention grabbing than all the other threads out there.
And being accused as a troll could either be because of a misunderstanding or because the accuser is just simply antagonizing you.
Soooo you just gotta learn to give less of a s**t is all. the problem is that you're seeking approval and that you consider your self worth as good as what other people think. This is based on the underlying assumption that mass appeal is the universal truth, and this is complicated by even more underlying assumptions I'm not gonna bother getting into.
If people think you're trolling when you're not, then either try to reach an understanding or they can suck a dick if they're only labeling you a troll to antagonize you. If you can't get people to respond to your threads, then you gotta find a way to make em more attention grabbing and stand out from the rest..