I was talking about my girlfriend troubles in the DA forums, and someone said something to the effect of "AS is mostly BS" (I didn't mention my AS in the thread, but I mention it on my DA ID). Thinking she was saying that I was making my condition up, I told her that I actually had been diagnosed with AS. Then this fuckwad comes in and accuses me of using my AS as an excuse for my problems, even though I wasn't. I did not say anywhere in the whole f*****g thread that my AS excused me from any bad behavior on my part. After I told him that, the as*hole quoted me as saying, "[My AS] is not something I made up to explain my poor social skills", even though any idiot reading the post where I said that would know that I was merely responding to the other poster who said AS was BS.
The funny thing is, this ass-licker claims to have AS himself.
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Society6, dudes!