Too often... daily is an understatement... it can be a constant thought pattern when I'm alone... usually its just a fleeting "eh, so much easier if I wasn't here..." or "hmm, wonder how things would progress if I just did it..." but sometimes its a serious contempilating...
I have to say, not a day goes by I don't see a sharp something, and just visualize myself doing something messed up with it... :X park 3rd floor or higher and, can't help but to migrate towards edge and stand there debating... >___<;;;
Its bad, and wrong, and I know it... and I'm trying to get help for it, but its extremely exhausting too... makes you wonder, when you're having the happiest time of your life since you were 10, and still debate it, what is wrong with you... :X!! !
But on the other hand, I don't think having an occasional thought like that is too terrible... think its only natural to be so frustrated with something (yourself and others included) to just want to "take the easy way out." (Honestly, I'm hard pressed to call it the "easy way"... after years of feeling like this, it takes a lot of courage to actually do it... its just not "courage" in the sense that anyone admires it, people admire you being a chickenshit and keep on living in misery; because at least theres a chance things will get better.... Sure, sometimes it is a lot harder to work through your problems, but really, physically getting yourself to attempt requires a lot of courage. <-- this does NOT mean I advocate anyone to attempt, feeling a smidgen of pride because "hey, least it took courage to do this"... just means in the black and white truth of things, it requires a lot of courage to do. It may be misguided, and misplaced, but it is still courage. :X)
But please... if you do think of it too often (too often by YOUR standards, if you think of it all the time, but you never feel like actually doing it, and it doesnt bother you, then fine... or if you only think of it every now and then, few and far between, but its a huge desire... then not fine!), please try to find some way to get help... get friends around you, if no friends, walk around in a public place where you'd be too embarrassed to do something drastic, go to a health center (many colleges and universities offer free mental health services), call a hotline, call a friend, call your parents, if only just to talk and think about something else. Read a book. Do whatever it is that tries to calm you down and distract you... its different for anyone, but find some way to try to get better =/
Its not easy. It really isn't, its going to be a battle, but it [hopefully] is a battle worth fighting for... wouldn't you rather be content and unsuicidal? Doesn't matter your social/fiscal/familial status, if you are content, that stuff doesn't matter... if you are suicidal because you cant get a bf/gf, maybe you can learn to adapt (with help of others, medicine, professionals, ignoring it, I don't know, whatever it is for you) to the point you are perfectly fine not having a bf/gf... <--- just getting what you want [at the moment] isn't what is important, being able to control your emotions over it, and learning to deal is... simply getting that bf/gf will not help or fix you, those suicidal thoughts may come up again because you were fired, or because you can't get a job, or because someone smashed your car... but if you learn how to manage it, then those things can happen and you can make through it much happier :X
I'm going through this myself... I'm trying so hard to keep going, and it is hard... it really is, but I want to be able to enjoy life for more than 10 minutes at a time.