RainingRoses wrote:
This is one of the primary reasons why I want an official AS diagnosis. I want to get off the meds! (Wellbutrin and Klonopin -- used to be Xanax and tequila.) I figure that if, as a matter of medical fact, I do have AS, then (hopefully?) depression and anxiety are the *results* as opposed to being "causes" or somehow "self-existing." Maybe what I need is behavioral therapy to fix the cause rather than medication to smooth over the results. Hoping, anyway!
Anyway, good for you. Happy to hear someone else with the same goal, even if it's for a different purpose.
I'm not on meds (I will not permit what comes from pharmaceutical labs to enter my body) and I am an Aspie. I have had serious issues with depression and anxiety in the past, but now those things are like an annoying pest because I have a much better idea of why I get that way sometimes. Knowing what brings such things on (to me) is the key to managing such aspects of living.
It's stupid to fix the symptoms while paying no attention to the real cause. It is possible for an Aspie to be generally free from depression and anxiety, but to achieve that requires work and maintenance. Therapists think it's possible to achieve this goal faster with the use of meds, but I can't help but wonder how that's possible when meds affect how you think.
To me, it seems better to have a mind clear from any influence of drugs in order to think best. I'm sure there are exceptions to this, but (for the most part) meds seem to be too big of a portion in the political/economic fabric of today's society.
Even though I actively pursued what measures I needed to take to structure my life in order to care for it better, I couldn't have known how to do it if I didn't pray and study the bible like I do. I've been to gobs of therapists in the past (talked with some in the near present) and NONE of them ever helped me. Instead, I felt like I was teaching them. I'm not the only Aspie who thinks therapists are a waste of time and money.
"Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?" declares the LORD. "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word." – Isaiah 66:2