My parents caught me smoking

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14 Nov 2010, 10:40 pm

SO today my parents caught me smoking. I made the mistake of smoking in the house and they found a cup I was using as an astray and I had been negligent to clean out. They told me I can't smoke in the house and that they want me to quit because since I am overweight they think I will be dead by the time I'm 30 of a heart attack. They weren't as mad as I thought they would be, but I am a little rattled that I was discovered and feel they I have disappointed them. They asked me why I got started and I told them and they asked me if I inhale when I smoke, and I told them no which is a lie. I don't know how I am going to quit as I have been doing it now for a few months and I am hooked.

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14 Nov 2010, 10:48 pm

Mojave wrote:
SO today my parents caught me smoking. I made the mistake of smoking in the house and they found a cup I was using as an astray and I had been negligent to clean out. They told me I can't smoke in the house and that they want me to quit because since I am overweight they think I will be dead by the time I'm 30 of a heart attack. They weren't as mad as I thought they would be, but I am a little rattled that I was discovered and feel they I have disappointed them. They asked me why I got started and I told them and they asked me if I inhale when I smoke, and I told them no which is a lie. I don't know how I am going to quit as I have been doing it now for a few months and I am hooked.

Your parents are right in being disappointed with you. Smoking is harmful to your health. I know this because my grandpa was a heavy smoker and died from blood cancer. Trust me when I say it may look cool but it's not.

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14 Nov 2010, 10:50 pm

Mojave wrote:
SO today my parents caught me smoking. I made the mistake of smoking in the house and they found a cup I was using as an astray and I had been negligent to clean out. They told me I can't smoke in the house and that they want me to quit because since I am overweight they think I will be dead by the time I'm 30 of a heart attack. They weren't as mad as I thought they would be, but I am a little rattled that I was discovered and feel they I have disappointed them. They asked me why I got started and I told them and they asked me if I inhale when I smoke, and I told them no which is a lie. I don't know how I am going to quit as I have been doing it now for a few months and I am hooked.

Why did you even start smoking in the first place?

And just to let you know, non-smokers can smell cigarette smoke on and trailing behind someone who has been smoking so your parents have probably suspected that you've been smoking.

You can quit by just stopping and doing something else with your time and money, or you can get the nicotine patch.


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14 Nov 2010, 11:02 pm

Smoking makes you lose weight but it is bad for your lungs,

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14 Nov 2010, 11:04 pm

Chronos wrote:
Mojave wrote:
SO today my parents caught me smoking. I made the mistake of smoking in the house and they found a cup I was using as an astray and I had been negligent to clean out. They told me I can't smoke in the house and that they want me to quit because since I am overweight they think I will be dead by the time I'm 30 of a heart attack. They weren't as mad as I thought they would be, but I am a little rattled that I was discovered and feel they I have disappointed them. They asked me why I got started and I told them and they asked me if I inhale when I smoke, and I told them no which is a lie. I don't know how I am going to quit as I have been doing it now for a few months and I am hooked.

Why did you even start smoking in the first place?

And just to let you know, non-smokers can smell cigarette smoke on and trailing behind someone who has been smoking so your parents have probably suspected that you've been smoking.

You can quit by just stopping and doing something else with your time and money, or you can get the nicotine patch.

I went away on a trip with a group of college students and they smoked pot and tobacco a lot and one day I thought I would try a cigarette, thinking it would be a one time thing. One cigarette led to a couple more, than a pack and so forth. It is a really good stress reliever and I have a lot of stress.


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15 Nov 2010, 12:30 am

Smoking is s**t.

I used to smoke from age 17-21. I didn't chain smoke or anything just out with friends and at parties.

I don't smoke anymore, I went cold turkey and that was that.

To be honest i still grab a smoke or two when we're out clubbing to relax, because it does have a calming effect (being around so many drunks makes me edgy).
But as soon as the sun comes up and the hangover greets my brain, there is no more smoking till next time I'm out somewhere drunk and surrounded by 30 screaming imbeciles.

And I don't party every weekend so I smoke 1-2 cigarettes every 2 months or so (taking in to account that i don't smoke every time we're out).

Bottom line, smoking is bad mkaaay....

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15 Nov 2010, 12:57 am

I'm also a smoker who has to hide it from parents. My advice to you if you want to keep on smoking, keep it low key for a while and think of other ways to hide it. I've smoked for about 4 years and have had only a couple near misses with my parents as far as being caught. If you know what you're doing, hiding smoking is fairly easy. I always keep my pack of cigarettes in my laptop bag or inside jacket pocket. Since I almost always have these things with me, the chances of my parents searching my stuff are slim to none. As far as airing out goes, time is your best remedy. Give it about half an hour after your last smoke, the smell pretty much dwindles. I also make sure to hang my jacket or sweatshirt in my room right away before anyone can smell it. Gum, food, and soda are also helpful in masking your breath. Doing these things, it's been working in my favor so far. That being said, it's a sh***y, disgusting habit that I wish I never started, but really enjoy doing. It's definitely a stress reliever and I enjoy the act of having a cigarette. The inhaling, holding it in my hand, ashing it...the whole experience. Was it worth starting, though? No. I hope this helps you out. Also, one more piece of advice, try to avoid smoking at home. The chances of you getting caught are much smaller that way. I usually smoke when I go out or when I'm at school.

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15 Nov 2010, 1:23 am

I used to smoke 3 cartons a week. I could have bought a gold-coated Ferrari with the money I spent on cigarettes. Now I'm rich and free, thanks to these people:

Their motto is "Don't quit alone" and they are right, and I say this as a loner. btw it's free.

If it's not time to quit yet, then you could smoke only in one place that you rarely go to, so you won't have triggers everywhere. Like any other drug, you build up a resistance, so you could smoke half to reset your system.

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15 Nov 2010, 1:31 am

dt18 wrote:
It's definitely a stress reliever and I enjoy the act of having a cigarette. The inhaling, holding it in my hand, ashing it...the whole experience. Was it worth starting, though? No.

You can get all of that with fake cigarettes from a party store. I get mine from eBay. They look so real and they feel exactly the same if what I want is the motions of smoking. I'm ashamed to say I haven't smoked a cigarette in 5 years but I still smoke my pen.

You could get those fake cigs even while you are really smoking, and substitute them from time to time. If you do, don't buy cheap - the last ones I ordered were cheap and they had cotton stuffing for filters, which came out.

For me, it's an attitude thing, especially when I want to tell the world where to go - having a cig hanging off my lower lip satisfies something in me.


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15 Nov 2010, 3:43 am

This is the best way to quit from a doctor.
Get your self down to one pack a day, then each week subtract 1 cigaraette by breaking the cigarette and throwing it away. example: week one smoke 19 cigarettes a day, week 2..18 a day until you reach 0 a day. This is very slow and it will prevent any nicotine withdraw...your body will not notice. In the meantime, find a new way to de stress yourself. The buddhist practice of mindfulness is a great de-stresser. Find a class that is teaching mindfulness meditation in your area and join. If you dont find a new way to de-stress, you wont quit for long. Also find something to do with your smoking is also addictive as an activity as it is as a chemical.

If you follow this, you will quit.

Now, let me tell you about my father. He died of lung disease. It is a horrible way to die and the statistics of those who smoke longer than 10 years show that smoking is slow suicide...3/4 of those who smoke longer than 10 years will die from it in some form of disease.
My father quit after 40 years, but it was too late. He developed Copd, chronic emphasemia and asthsma. His quality of life deterated over 8 years. He could not walk 3 feet across the room without gasping for air. He was constantly on oxygen, and had to take breathing treatments 5 times a day that gave him 3 hours of functioning. He was on loads of steroids to fight the infection from the puss that was in his lungs which made him bloated. He had to cough up this puss every hour or so to breathe, and he said it tasted soo nasty and when he spit it into the sink , it clung to the sink like glue and was really hard to scub out.
Every 6 months or so, he had to go to the hospital to have his lungs scrapped out. His chest was sore for days after that. He broke his ribs on 3 occasions coughing so hard.
He was also on antibiotics constantly and he got frequent pnemnomia from the puss getting infected. Each time he got phemnonia his lung fuctioning deterated. Walking was so hard for him as he could not walk accross the store like you do now...he had to use a moterized wheelchair. 2 years ago, He broke his back due to the heavy use of presciption steroids to keep his lung functioning, it broke in his sleep. And he was taken to the hospital and surgery was done, but the pain did not go away. He was in constant agony and could not stand up at all. He was confined to the bed. Nurses had to wipe his butt for him and he had to use one of those bed pans. Then he got a hospital based mrsa infection in his lungs and what little lung fuctioning he had was gone. At the end of his life, the only thing he talked about were his bowl movements, and he called to inform us serveral times a day about that because that was how small his world had become. He stayed at a nursing home for a while and we had to visit every day because the nursing staff were so neglectful that if we did not stay on top of them, he would suffer needlessly. We could not take care of him at home because he was too heavy to lift due to the steroids making him gain up to 300 lbs.
He was trasfered out of the nursing home when he got his final infection, and he died at an end of life hospital. He had a living will that he did not want to be put on a resperator, but the doctor disobeyed his wishes. My mom had to ask the doctor to remove it...that was very traumatic for her to make that choice at his wish. They put him on xanax to ease the air hunger after they took it out. He died 2 days later. My sister and brother and mother grieve very much over his death and the way he died. I am incapable of feeling grief, but seeing him die like that was traumatic for me

That is why your parents are upset with you... smoking is a form of slow suicide.
Quit while you are still young. There are programs to help you and if you follow those instructions that I gave you, your body will not go into withdraw.
Dont just quit to please your parrents, quit so your loved ones dont have to see you die like this like I seen my father is a horrible death to drown daily in your own fluid.
Whoever convinced you to try that cigarette was not your friend.

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