Self esteem in the gutter
the only way to increase your self esteem is to go out and suceed in aspects of your life you feel are lacking.- while at the same time ignoring the failures and shrugging it off like a champ.
Talking to yourself and reassuring yourself only goes so far, it takes real action to raise your self esteem.
I had the lowest self esteem in the world middle and early high school but my soph year i started playing football and it did wonders for me. Since I was terrible socially and was very timid and quiet I really had no self esteem at all since I didnt know how to assert myself in the correct fashion....but in football none of that mattered, you just had to do your job on the team....and i was able to do that. I didn't have to worry about what to say to a girl playing football, I just had to read the offense, shrug off blocks and tackle the guy w/ the ball- no social skills involved only action. Going out onto a field and crushing the quarterback or some other player gave me a high- I was physically demolishing some witty, good looking, socially slick QB with no repercussions...boy did it boost my ego. had I not played football I gaurentee you I would be 'that guy' living in his parents basement till I was 30+, the ego boost i learned thru experience allowed me to take social risks i previously had would not been able to- and its opened up a lot of social options for me. I still struggle everyday but I now have the courage to take risks.
What are you into/good at? focus on that and surround yourself with others who are interested in the same stuff.
Also you have to take risks to make any progress- you have no idea how terrified I was and weak/inadaquate I felt on day 1 of football try outs-I wanted to quit so bad by day 2 when the coaches were beatin the living crap out of me w/ drills, being a tacklin dummy and constantly running...but I kept up with it and I built up my self esteem a bit. im not completely confident but I definitely developed thicker skin. Pick something you want to accomplish, anything at all, something small and just DO IT , if you fail just try again some time and keep repeating that process over and over....i gaurentee you after a while you will start feeling more confident.

Joined: 22 Oct 2010
Age: 44
Gender: Female
Posts: 639
Location: The rainiest part of Germany
Something that helps many people increase their self-esteem is to help other people. It does not have to be anything spectacular as long as you can draw a certain satisfaction from it.
If you like animals help the elderly lady next door by walking her dog whenever her legs are troubling her.
If you are good with explaining math problems offer to help the neighbourhood's children with their homework.
If you like cooking offer to help at the local soup kitchen.
There are lots of possible ways to combine things that are interesting to you with activities that help others. This way your special interest might help you to improve your self-esteem.
Yes, I am serious about that avatar...