Do everything you possibly can to calm yourself down. In my case, I'd eat steak and cheese subs every meal I could get them. But I don't know what would work for you. Walking works for me, too. It seems to burn off stress. I'm sure you can come up with your own list.
Also, have you ever tried Rescue Remedy? It is available in natural food shops, isn't that expensive, and if it doesn't work for you it shouldn't have a bad effect - unless you just can't stand the taste, which is a vaguely floral, generic candy type taste.
And, definitely, the ear protectors.
No matter what, you're going to need those. If you absolutely can't get away with wearing something that obvious, what about this? Put the best ear plugs you can find in, then, as a visual "explanation", stick in ear buds connected to an iPod. 
AQ Test = 44 Aspie Quiz = 169 Aspie 33 NT EQ / SQ-R = Extreme Systematising
Not all those who wander are lost.
In the country of the blind, the one eyed man - would be diagnosed with a psychological disorder