blueroses wrote:
I work in social services and find that I'm really well-suited to the population I work with (people with disabilities and the elderly), but could not picture myself working with other populations (teenagers, for example). You'll have to figure out what works for you and, unfortunately, unless you do a lot of volunteering beforehand, this might involve some trial and error. Asperger's can be an obstacle in some ways, but I also find that working in this field has given me a whole lot of opportunities for personal growth, too.
Just out of curiosity, what is your undergrad in? Art? If you have a BA in Art or something and already have a lot of the pre-req's out of the way, then art therapy would make sense. Otherwise, have you considered an MSW or Master's in Psych instead? It would give you broader career options. I have a BA in English and, man, I wish I had my MSW, in order to have more options and better security. Just a thought.
Thanks for the advice. Can't you enter a graduate psychology program with an English undergrad degree? My undergrad is actually in Media Studies. I was pursuing a second degree in Art Ed. but since I have almost all the art pre-reqs for Art Therapy out of the way and really enjoy psychology classes it seems to be a good idea to take the rest of the psych pre-reqs for Art Therapy. I'm not sure how much more job security it has over art ed. (optimally I'd do both) or a MSW but its important for me to have job that involves art. I was a substitute teacher and teenagers seem difficult in general albeit very fascinating for me. I am planning on doing lots of volunteer work with different populations, retail has already exposed me to all of them. The other option is to finish art ed. or do all studio-art, which would help learn more about how to think critically about art, but I rather like the idea of Art Therapy, it sounds like a populist one and the cutthroat world of gallery art is not.